Friday 12th June





Final chance to do this week’s spelling sumdog challenge.


Modern langauges

Today in Italian, we are learning colours!

Check out this excellent video to learn colours, then try a digital dialects colours game.

Extra challenge = create your own colours with paint or digitally and then create an Italian sounding name for them



A limerick is a fun type of poem. It is usually silly and sometimes a little bit rude. Today we are going to learn to create a limerick.

The rules of a limerick are

  • 5 lines long
  • Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme with each other
  • Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other

The rhyming goes AABBA. The end of lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme e.g. Jack, Black, Track. The end of lines 3 and 4 have a different sound from lines 1, 2 and 5 but rhyme with each other e.g. smell and fell.

check out the pages above for more details on how to create a limerick.





There once was a boy called Sam

He loved to eat loads of Ham

He ate too much food

It did him no good

And he exploded with a big KABLAM!


Try and make your own limerick about a person or a place. Send me any you come up with.




Hit the button is an excellent way to test your progress and explore new challenges.

Have at least 3 goes at times tables, number bonds and division. This will help keep your mental maths skills developing and help your quick recall.


Data handling

Earlier in the year, we looked at probability and what different words mean about how likely something is to happen.

You need to think carefully about what probability words mean. For example the word “Certain” means that something will 100% definitely happen. It HAS to happen. However, the word “probably” means it is likely to happen, but there is the chance it might not happen.


Try this probability activity to refresh your memory about how likely something is to happen. Remember 0 means it CANNOT happen and 1 means it HAS to happen. Think about it lie 0% to 100%





Final chance to do this week’s spelling sumdog challenge.


Modern langauges


Today in Italian, we are learning colours!

Check out this excellent video to learn colours, then try a digital dialects colours game.

Extra challenge = create your own colours with paint or digitally and then create an Italian sounding name for them



A limerick is a fun type of poem. It is usually silly and sometimes a little bit rude. Today we are going to learn to create a limerick.

The rules of a limerick are

  • 5 lines long
  • Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme with each other
  • Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other

The rhyming goes AABBA. The end of lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme e.g. Jack, Black, Track. The end of lines 3 and 4 have a different sound from lines 1, 2 and 5 but rhyme with each other e.g. smell and fell.

check out the pages above for more details on how to create a limerick.


There once was a boy called Sam

He loved to eat loads of Ham

He ate too much food

It did him no good

And he exploded with a big KABLAM!


Try and make your own limerick about a person or a place. Send me any you come up with.




Hit the button is an excellent way to test your progress and explore new challenges.

Have at least 3 goes at times tables, number bonds and division. This will help keep your mental maths skills developing and help your quick recall.


Data handling

Earlier in the year, we looked at probability and what different words mean about how likely something is to happen.

You need to think carefully about what probability words mean. For example the word “Certain” means that something will 100% definitely happen. It HAS to happen. However, the word “probably” means it is likely to happen, but there is the chance it might not happen.


Try this probability activity to refresh your memory about how likely something is to happen. Remember 0 means it CANNOT happen and 1 means it HAS to happen. Think about it lie 0% to 100%

Enjoy your weekend!

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