World War 2

We have been learning so much about WW2 and the chidlren have done some amazing research at home and shared it with the class.


Today we had an amazing banner brought in from 1939 which shows the battalion that Megan’s great Grandad was in


We also had amazing photographs brought in which showed family members during the war. In these photographs in particular, you can see how hard it must have been for people to leave their families and go to war, but we are forever grateful to them for making that choice.

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For more research on world war 2, in particular 1940, check out this website.


We also had a visit from the nursery dragon to celebrate Chinese New Year.

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Homework week beginning 30th September



Worksheet and active learn practice

play this fractions game



Record yourself reading at least a page of your book and listen back to it. try it 3 times to see if you improve.


Listen to a podcast eg tumble science podcast for kids.

Watch a world war 2 video on

Wednesday and Thursday

In PE we were working on improving our fitness. We pushed ourselves by trying the bleep test.


We also played “crab football” to make us move in different ways and tire out our shoulders.


As part of our World War 2 topic we have been learning about propganda and created our own posters to help recruit people for the army.


Rachel was also able to bring in an old Ration book, rent book and identification card from the 1950s extremely fragile and interesting.

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Finally we recorded another two podcasts today!

Tuesday 24th January

This morning we started our WW2 topic!

This is going to be a huge piece of learning and we won’t be able to cover everything, but we started by looking at the main events from start to finish.

For our classroom we are creating a newpaper headline from the day war was officially declared in September 1939.

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In ICT we were continuing to learn about equal fractions using the active learn website.

Each child has a login and has games and activities to play for fractions and times tables. This will be the children’s homework for the next few weeks, so keep encouraging them with it!

The website is…

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Finally, we were creating our own book review podcasts.

The children planned a podcast to discuss their recent book and they were incredibly clear and confident with their performance. We are going to record three each day and upload them for you to listen to.


Homework week beginning 23rd January



Active learn – you can use this on your computer or tablet.



We are improving our fluency and planning an audiobook podcast.

Listen to an episode of the “tumble science podcast for kids”. Practice reading your chosen section of the book out loud. Get feedback from someone in your family.



We have started a WW2 topic! The following websites have fantastic information, pictures and videos about ww2. Explore them to get a better understanding of the main events.

Investigate in your family to see if there is anyone who was alive during the war or if anyone in your family played a part in the war. If possible speak to them about it!

Fantasy stories!

Inspired  by our new reading books we are planning a fantasy story!


Today we explored different places that the story could be set – places that at first seem normal but become magical and fantastic!


Next we will plan the characters and the plot.


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Tuesday 17th January

Today we were learning to touch type.

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We are developing our muscle memory for all the different keys on the keyboard and exploring which fingers are best for which keys.


Tomorrow the P7s are running an active day for the whole school. Different stations include

  • wall bars
  • dancing
  • football
  • basketball
  • foot work ladders
  • circuits
  • stretching
  • yoga

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In PE, we were continuing to work on our golf skills!


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Homework week beginning 17th January.





We are getting a guest to come to talk to us about a charity called “vine trust”. Go on the website and find out about the work they do




Write 5 questions about your reading pages.






When you are shopping, look for fairtrade items. See if you can find more than 5 Fairtrade products in the shop.

Fractions, decimals and percentages.

Today we were exploring equal fractions.


First we created simple fractions of a piece of paper and then discussed what these fractions would look like as a decimal and percentage.


Then we compared how many of one fraction would make up the same amount as another fraction.

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We also explored how to work out an equivalent fractions using multiplying.