Micro Tyco

Today we spent some time researching & brainstorming ideas for Micro Tyco. Mrs Thomson discussed how we should be thinking ‘Outside the Box’ to plan ideas to generate money. Starting next week groups of children will be given £1 to grow using enterprise & business skills. Below are some of our ideas.

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Homework 25/1/16


We have been practising how to calculate change from a given amount. We would like to increase the speed of our mental calculations when doing this. To make our money calculations a little more challenging we may have begun to calculate foreign currency exchange.

Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Choose an amount less than £20 (to start with) then calculate the change you should be given from a £20 note. Time yourself to determine if you have gotten any quicker.
  • If you are in a shop calculate the change you should be given. Can you do that before the teller gives you your change?
  • Calculate how Euros, Dollars or Australian Dollars you would receive in exchange for £200. You could choose any foreign currency you like!
  • http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2numeracy-money-and-mean.html




Grammar: Possessive apostrophe – We have been revising the use of the singular possessive apostrophe. E.g. Where is Sarah’s bag? We have been comparing these to contractions and trying to identify the difference. E.g. We’ll (contraction) go collect Sarah’s bag (possessive apostrophe).

Writing: Instructions – We have been learning to write instructions, we wrote instructions to help others make a Charles Rennie Mackintosh paperweight.

Spelling: ____ful suffix – We have been identifying words that have the suffix ful (wonderful, helpful, skillful, beautiful, sorrowful)

Ideas for further practise at home:


Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Can you create a CRM picture, replica furniture, building design or any other replica that you would like to make? Create your masterpiece at home then bring it into school so we can display all the hard work you have been doing at home!

Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts or ideas you have when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!

Mrs Park


Today we were learning what onomatopoeia is.

Onomatopoeia is a word that is spelled the same way it sounds.

For example:    Crash, crunch, zing, zip, meow, munch, roar, rip, sizzle, crackle, splat, kerplunk, bang, clank, woof, thunk, hiss, whiz, oink, moo, dong, ding, pong, ping, bong, Bing, zap and zing.

By Ryan & Drew

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Challenges with Mrs Keith

Today we had a teacher who was called Mrs Keith; she is a math expert. She talked to us  about challenges and what we thought about challenges. We had to write about what was our thoughts on challenges were before we did the challenge and what we thought after.

By Lewis and Teejay

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Budgeting for a movie

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Today in class we were learning how to budget for a movie. We worked in partners and made sure we didn’t go over budget. Our budget was £800 and we were given sheets with different subjects on. The subjects were : sets ,actors and actresses ,props and advertisement packages. We needed to calculate the total price for each category then the price for the whole movie.

By Alex and Danielle


Possessive apostrophes

In literacy we have been learning about possessive apostrophes. We found out that we only need to place them if it belongs to someone/something  and should NEVER put an apostrophe  beside a plural word


I hope the “dog’s” bark will not wake the neighbour’s baby although the baby might already be awake.

I can’t remember the “song’s”name just now but I am sure it will come soon.image image

By Ruben and Robbie

Homework 11/1/16

Hello and welcome back everyone! Here are a few activities to help get us back into our work for 2016:


Numeracy Challenge

Find an item in the grocery store that is on offer e.g. jelly beans: 1 x 65g bag = 40p or 3 x 65g bag = £1 then calculate which size is better value and how much money you could save.

After that identify if there are any alternatives to the option you have chosen e.g. jelly beans: 1 x 200g bag = 89p or 2 x 200g bag = £1.50 then calculate which size is better value and how much money you could save.

Finally compare the 2 options you have chosen and determine which one would be the best value for money.


L.I. To be able to write a first person account.

Task: Write a diary
First choose who you will be when you write your diary. Here are some ideas:

  • Be Yourself! Write about what you did in the holidays or what you did at the weekend
  • Pretend to be someone famous like David Beckham or Taylor Swift
  • Pretend to be a character from a film or TV programme, you could try a minion or Shrek
  • Make up your own character
  • Choose someone you know
  • Choose someone from history like Queen Victoria or Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Next your diary can be for however long you like but should include at least 5 extracts. You might want to include photos, clipart, and pictures. Don’t forget to put the days at the top of each entry. You must write in sentences with capital letters, full stops, accurate punctuation and all words should be spelled accurately!



Charles Rennie Mackintosh – Glasgow

Identify as many places in Glasgow as you can that a Charles Rennie Mackintosh fan might like to visit. Please include the name of the place, where you would find it and why a fan would like to visit.


Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts or ideas you have when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!

Mrs Park