Tuesday 30th January

Before break

Before break we where reading and participating in some of our classmates tricky word quiz.

This was Arrans one it was really really good.

Then we were learning how to evaluate our critical evaluations . We had to evaluate it with a sheet of paper with different questions about our critical evaluation like “my critical evaluation included ___ quotes”

We then did an extremely tricky comprehension on ww2 and it was very very hard.

After break

we played a game to help us with our dividing (it was quite tricky)

Each group also got took out to Mr.Mcmullan to learn something new and each group also Had either question or chalk board calculations and the quakes also made a maths quiz.

After lunch

we were designing a global goals superhero to promote the global goals

We will make a wall display to show them throughout the school.



Homework week beginning 29th January


Watch a movie. Write a critical review. Make sure you include

  • Overall I think…because… “quote”
  • The main events are… I think… because… “quote”
  • One interesting character is…I think…because… “quote”
  • This movie would be better if…because…


Active learn – play play play.



Make your global goals superhero. Make it out of paper, cardboard, on a computer, playdough, slime – however you want. Bring it into school to add to your Green city project.


Monday 29th of January

First we had Mrs Rutherford she was teaching us about maping skills. We got given a map to  color in then we saw a power point. We had to write down what we saw on a white board.


After Mrs Rutherford we did some maths. We are doing reminders into decimals. We have been using money to help us .

We were using 20p ,50p,10p and £1.


We also did some board work.




This was our I can

After break we did reading 📖


The new Books are called split ,twenty seventeen,children behaving badly.


We read our books for 15 minuets.After that we were doing critical evaluation.

This was the I can

This is a poemthat we were reading .The three little pigs.

After  lunch we had PE we were doing yoga to make us stronger.

Happy friday

Today we got into school with a smile because we were finishing off our evaluation from our cooking .

And then we went to ICT to make maps for our eco city ( For our project )  And they all looked great

After break we went to we finished off our green cities project a day to be honest there was a lot of good ones

we also made some ladders learning about cooking, maths and critical evaluation


This is quazonta Stephen and Paige’s

And this is Sian and  Arrans masterpiece

we then went for lunch and after lunch we went to assembly

and then we where learning to finish off our cities


by Arran

Fitness and cooking

Today in PE we were building up our fitness skills with circuits.

We are getting mentally tough so that we can push through the pain.

In cooking we made “Hasselback potatoes” and “Homemade coleslaw”


Here is the recipe for the potatoes – we didn’t put any oil or butter on the potatoes before cooking them




For the coleslaw, we cut up cabbage, onion and carrot then added wholegrain mustard, lemon juice, mayo and salt.

TOP TIP 1 – the thinner you cut the vegetables, the better they will taste!

TOP TIP 2 -leave the coleslaw when you put the lemon juice in and it softens the vegetables.

Try and make this for someone at home this weekend!

24.1.17 Wednesday

This morning we went to ICT.

we made a PowerPoint  slide show about global rights and printed photos for our eco friendly city.♻️


We came back into class and did maths.🤓

we are  learning division and word problems.➗

We are learning how to divide with money while using a word problem.❓

EXAMPLE:Jenna had £7.50 and 2 friend how much did they get each=£2:50 💷


we went back into class.👑

we read  the shilling pie. 💎

The shilling pie😁

We did a critical evaluation.🙃


Turning remainders into decimals

Today in maths we were learning how to take unequal division and make it equal!


We used the context of money to help us understand this.

For example – a shopkeeper has £5 to pay his 2 staff members in total. Normally we used to say that this was £2 each with £1 left over, but now we split the £1 into two 50p which is 0.5 in decimals.


The answer is therefore 2.50 each.


We can now apply this to bigger numbers

E.G. 3,697 divided by 2 is 1,848.5.


By Mr McMullan

Homework week beginning 22nd January


We are continuing to increase our vocabulary! The most important skill in this is to guess the meaning of a word when you see it in a piece of text or when you hear someone say it. Keep your ears and eyes open this week to see how may tricky words your see or hear.

Make up a tricky word quiz with at least 4 tricky words. Test someone in your house or bring it in and test the class. You can email powerpoints to woodlandsp7@gmail.com and we can show the class.



We are continuing to work on our maths comprehension skills.

Comprehension work sheet



Last week we learned how to cut safely and accurately. The only way to get better is to PRACTISE PRACTISE PRACTISE.

At least once this week, practice cutting something to help with dinner. If you can’t help make dinner you can get some fruit and cut it up – speak to Mr McMullan, he has tonnes of fruit!

Take some photos and email them to the class email and we can look at them together!


Global Goals

Today we started looking at the “UN Global Goals” campaign


This is a campaign with 17 specific goals for the whole globe E.G. end poverty, promote peace, create gender equality.


We will be exploring this campaign over the next few weeks, so have a look at these websites to learn more about the goals.
