The last two days…

We have been looking at the different weapons and methods of communication used in World War 1.  We looked more in depth at the German ‘ace of aces’ – more commonly known as The Red Baron – and produced fact files, highlighting various points of his life and exploits.

In maths and numeracy, we are continuing to grow in confidence in doing chimney sum addition and learning more about time.

Today we were so delighted that the weather was kind and we could enjoy practising our ball skills outdoors!

The Great War

Today our main focus was on life in the trenches during WW1.  We learned more about what life was like for soldiers of both sides.  In language and literacy/our WW1 topic we imagined we were soldiers in the trenches. We wrote letters home to our loved ones, describing life.

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In maths we are continuing to practise our column addition.

In health and wellbeing we are learning about the importance of keeping hydrated.  We enjoyed talking about our favourite drinks and who makes the teas and coffees in our families!


Today in literacy we did a comprehension task to demonstrate our ability to retrieve information from a text.  This is something that we will need to keep working on.

We made our own analogue clocks to support what we are learning about time (in maths and numeracy) and highlight the differences between analogue and digital clocks.

It would be a really great help if we are supported at home to learn about time, as most of us don’t now wear watches, and just rely on our phones.

Anti-Bullying Week 2020

Some of the highlights of our week are shown in these photos and include:

our WW1 Recruitment posters

United Against bullying posters

Fun-filled yoga

In maths we worked on chimney sums and decimals.  In health and wellbeing we have been learning about the different nutrients from food and drink and the variety of foodstuffs we need in order to have a balanced diet to keep us fit, healthy and energised.

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Children in Need Day

Today the children celebrated ‘Children in Need’ (CIN) through wearing a variety of costumes and participating in fun activities.  They rotated between five different ‘stations’ –

  1. creating a CIN ‘power-point’ presentation
  2. designing a bear that would help a child, depending on their needs
  3. making a moving, spotty Pudsey bear
  4. creating a bear-themed stop motion animation
  5. and decorating a Pudsey template.

We had a great day, and even had time to enjoy some spontaneous performances from our classmates!

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Focused Learning

Today Primary 6/7 completed their first afternoon of Focused Learning. It is learning based on Pupil Voice and personal choice.

Children were creating stop motion animations, focusing on structure and movement of characters while using ICT.

Children made endangered animal PowerPoints using visual and graphic design techniques.

Children also designed unique animal products and developed their line drawing skills.

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