Last few days and HOMEWORK!

Last week, we were learning exploring DIWALI and the story behind it.

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We had to remember and retell what we learned about the story the day before. we then created comic strips to demonstrate the main events.

Tomorrow we will make a wall display out of it so keep your eyes peeled for this on Thursday at parent’s night!

On Friday there were auditions for the Nativity. Mr Green and Mr McMullan were the judges and they were extremely impressed with the quality of the singing etc. Well done. The successful applicants will be announced later this week.

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We have also got new seats and new teams! We have been forming respectful and inclusive teams.

Firstly we had to work together to work out the answer to word sequences.

eg M  T  W  T  F  _   _

O  M  H  A  F _   _  _  _  _

M  V  E  M  _  _  _  _  _

Put your answers in comments sections!

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GET FIT! see if you can make it the whole way through this exercise Video.


The rest of the homework will be explained in class tomorrow and then put on the blog after!


Enjoy your trick or treating.


Today we were analysing different fonts and exploring  how to create our own


For homework

  • try and find a serif font somewhere outside of school! Look at newspapers, websites, TV, shops signs, leaflets etc. If you find one, write down what it looks like!
  • Mr McMullan’s bedroom has 8 different fonts in it – hunt your bedroom to see if it has more or less fonts in it!


We are going to start a new topic on money  and business

For homework

  • Choose a business from Cumbernauld – it could be hairdressers, chippie, tyre station, anything. Record at least 10 things they have to spend money on before they can open the business – these are called costs – and at least 5 different ways they can make money. Design a special offer for that business to help it attract customers.
  • Play online money games


lundi vingt quatre octobre

Salut! Today we have been completing our work on the nets and structures of 3D shapes. We have been exploring the structures of the edges and corners by using straws and plasticene to create the skeletons of our shapes.

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During our language lesson concentrating on similes and metaphors, we went outside to find inspiration from nature and the environment around us.

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Continuing our Halloween-themed activities we learnt some French Halloween vocabulary, noting any masculine or feminine words, words which are similar to English and vocabulary from previous learning.


We used the vocabulary, along with a revision of food vocabulary to create small Halloween booklets.

Homework and Tuesday!

For homework


we are learning to use the computer program scratch! If you have a laptop or desktop computer at home, you can use it to make something (ipad app doesn’t work as well).

Try and make me a halloween themed piece of work on Scratch – it could be letters moving and changing colours, it could be a ghost chasing a witch – whatever you can think of.



For homework we need to do lots of reading! Mr McMullan is also doing the reading, but for all 3 books so you will be fine with only one book!

Nouns – up to page 202

Verbs – up to page 160

Commas –  finish the book! (it’s very exciting)

If you want to take brief notes about main events that will help you understand the story, but focus on reading and thinking about what you are reading.



same times table games as last week, but use the 3, 6, 12 or 24 time tables.

make a stop motion animation of a times table!


Today we were learning how to make stop motion animation using the app iMotion.

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lundi le dix octobre

Bonjour. Today we have been practising a variety of French phrases. If anyone still has their French vocabulary jotter from last year, it would be very helpful to keep it in school. We used our knowledge of  language to work out what the school meals were this week in French. It was easier than we thought because we could apply knowledge and understanding and use logical reasoning.


In maths we are looking at more complex shape nets. We are comparing the 2D properties of the net and then exploring the properties of the 3D shapes which are constructed using the nets.

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Jeudi 6th octobre

Mr McMullan has been learning French! So this morning he was practicing with us. He is using commands such as “commencez” and “arretez” to start and stop, and his personal favourite “calmez-vous” which means “calm down”

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For homework, children should practice writing the greetings (look in the picture above) in homework jotter and practice speaking with someone at home! This will be a great chance to practice what you learned at school years ago!


Today we were planting some daffodils so that they are ready for the spring. We have a growing box in the playground now so we are using this to grow some in and we will then be able to see the root systems growing.

We also cleared up the new planters by removing the weeds. We haven’t planted anything yet, but next Friday on the Eco Active day we will plant something in them.



We are currently planning our assembly on insects. We have decided what kinds of things we would like to do at the assembly and for homework some children wrote a poem about insects!

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In maths we are exploring making links. We are learning to understand how the 4 times table can be used to help us with the 8 times table, the 16 times table and the 32 times table.

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For PE we were working with others and solving problems by playing capture the flag. We communicated with each other to organise how we would distract their defenders to get to their flag.



This morning we had learning conversations with Mr McMullan. We were discussing our progress so far this year, what makes learning easier, what we like about Primary 7 and what we want to get better at.

We also had some visitors who were teaching us about the habitats of animals in our local area and we also learned about how human activity can destroy the habitat of animals in our local area.


lundi 3 octobre

Today we have been analysing our handwriting. Are we following advice and making changes to improve our letter formations and joins? We have discovered that using a pen and taking our time can greatly improve our chances of success!!

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In maths we have been investigating the nets of 3D shapes. We had to check whether the nets made cubes or not. Sometimes visualising the shapes from the nets can be tricky.

We were talking about loss and sadness and thought about happy memories as a coping strategy.

Please could everyone remember their wet weather clothing / wellies or boots tomorrow.

Homework week beginning 3rd October

This week we are going to explore wildlife in the Cumbernauld area. Tomorrow (Tuesday) all children need waterproof clothing and shoes, preferably boots or Welly boots.

For homework, you can design a habitat for a Pine Martin or another Cumbernauld animal.



Last week we were learning about different types of questions and for homework we will apply them to our reading book.

For homework – create at least 6 questions about your reading pages for this week

Commas – Pg 103 to 110

Verbs – Pg 96 to 113

Nouns – Pg 110 to 126

Remember to make up different types of questions, with different question words.

eg “what do you think…” is an evaluative question.


There will be french vocabulary to practice, this will be given out later in the week.


This week we are going to recap and develop our understanding of times tables, starting with the 4 and 8 times tables.

For homework

  • say the 4 and 8 times table as fast as you can. Record your time in with tenths and hundredths of a second
  • Make a 4 or 8 times table quiz for a partner.
  • make flash cards for 4 or 8 times table and stick them up around the house. Say them 3 times every time you walk past them.
  • play some online times table games.