27 September 2018

we are just back from daily mile and we are working on silent stories.

after playtime we talked about rights and then voted for 3 that we thought would be really important for our class.

then we went to ICT and created a logo Using Our thinking jotters.

afer lunch we went back to ICT again after that we went to Mrs Donald’s classroom to practice our songs for the coffee morning tomorrow.

Now we have assembly Leah k is taking pictures of all of the star pupils and math champions .

now it is the end of the day yay 😀

Number lines

We are starting a new topic in maths about Number lines.


Here are some great games to practice using number lines to help us estimate






26th September 2018

This morning we were doing spelling words and we had to do it in 8 minute. After doing some spelling we were doing some French numbers (French bingo)



Then after having fun  doing bingo we did some language


After reading we continued with our Arrival sheet ( pictures)


Then it was playtime

After having playtime we did some maths.

Next we done some P.E. (Maths)

After P.E. It was lunchtime

Next we were writing about rights

Here are some examples of what we are doing!

After learning about rights we went into p7 class and chose our company name and started designing the branding for the logos and products.

By Leah and Carri

25th of September 2018

This morning with Mr green we are singing and doing I.C.T. We are practising our singing for the Mcmillan coffee morning and in I.C.T we where playing Sumdog on the iPads and computers.     

After break we did maths. ✖➕➗➖

We had a warm up to get a pour brains ready.We were doing a little bit of mental maths.


Now we are doing ordering decimals here are some more pictures.

For the real bit of maths we were doing ordering decimals. Here are some examples; 0.3, 3.9, 1.8  2.9 here are the numbers I will put in order (smallest to biggest) 0.3 ,1.8 2.9 3.9.

After your work, if you were finished you could go on Sumdog to try and beat Mr Mcmullans challenge. Only some people complete it.

After lunch we were doing reading 📘📚📓.In reading today

We are learning to identify important from the text ( V.I.P.P.P.S). I can turn a piece of text into a silent story using V.I.P.P.P.S




After are fantastic work we decided to go blackberry picking. It is also called bramble picking. Kimberley even went in the bush and collected the blackberries for her group.

By Keira and Kimberley

Fake friday

today we did active maths stations in the gym hall.

We were learning to do decimals using smallest to bigges. Here are some examples


In writing we were learning to plan and write a narrative story.


The first thing you need to do is plan the characters and make them interesting.

Top tips

  • Include a back story
  • Name’s
  • Description
  • Picture’s
  • Your opinion too

Here a some pieces of work


Ciaran and coral where doing some yoga . Here  are some photos.




By Emma and Katelyn




Fake Wednesday

This morning with Mrs Rutherford we were learning about food pyramids!



After break we were summarising the key points from the novel “The Arrival!” 🔑 We also took the key points from a Mr Bean clip!



After lunch we practised our 4 and 8 x tables during the daily mile and then we were putting decimals in order when we went back inside! Then we did a maths game with toy cars! 🚘

Maths homework.

We are currently running Mr Green’s Sumdog challenge which is available until Thursday.


In maths at the moment, our topic is ordering numbers with a specific focus on larger numbers and numbers including decimals.


Here are some amazing games for children to practice at home with different difficulty levels from hundreds up to two decimal places.






Our current Topic in IDL is business.

We are planning, organising and setting up our own Honey business which also sells Honey accessories.

We are exploring all the costs of running a business and what planning we need to focus on.


Keep your eyes peeled on the main blog for more information!



IN PEwe were using different body parts to control the ball ⚽ then we played the number game . We got split up into 2 teams and we all had a number up to 1 to 11 then the teacher shouted out a number and  the people that had that number would go to the middle  of the hall and try to score.

In literacy  we were given new spelling words to write down in spelling shapes and wrote the word in the shapes we also got new reading books.

In maths We have been learning to put numbers in order by playing a game with remote control cars and bug and we got told to go  to the biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest and we were doing a maths sheet putting the numbers biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest ➕➖➗✖

After maths we went out side to do some waste bustin /litter picking instead of the daily mile 🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

😀We had a great day at school now we get to go home yay 😀


by Ashton and Logan B