This week we’re running a pop-up shop for our last Micro Tyco event. We have lots of items to sell including colour packs, Easter masks, egg and spoon race kits as well as cupcake and chocolate nest kits. It will be running during playtime and again from 2:45 in the outdoor classroom in the playground. (If it is dry and in the lunch hall if it’s raining.) image image image

Career week at woodlands!

Today we had somebody who works  for Arnold Clark come to our school to tell us about his job, and it was very interesting. He told us if you sell more cars you get more salary. His weekly target was to sell about 20 vehicles. Arnold Clark started as a R.A.F. mechanic. Once he left the R.A.F. he bought one car and fixed it, sold it, then with his profit  he made he bought two cars then kept doing it until he had too many cars so he bought his first showroom.Ever since then his company has become one of the biggest car retailers.

Later on today we will have two people visiting us who are space engineers.


By Ruben and Drew

Homework 22/2/16


We have been using our maths skills to calculate best value and cost in class. We applied the skills we previously learned to help us with our Micro Tyco project.

Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Can you create an item you would like to sell? Include its name and who you think would buy it. (You do not need to create a physical product, ideas and drawings are enough.)
  • Research the cost of producing your product, making sure to include all of the components and find the best value.
  • Determine an appropriate price for your item. Remember you can amend your price if you feel it needs to change.


Spelling: Suffix ___less – We have been learning about the suffix ‘less’ that is added to the end of words. E.g. motionless

Summarising: We have been developing the work we completed last term by using our paraphrasing skills to help us summarise accurately. Remember it’s important to use your own words!

Grammar: We have been learning how to use a possessive apostrophe with plurals.


Ideas for further practise at home:


Micro Tyco – Advertising

We have been preparing for Micro Tyco’s final event which will take place this week. We will have a pop-up shop and need some posters for advertising! The shop will run during playtime ever day and – weather permitting – in the playground at 2:45pm.

Can you create an eye-catching poster to help advertise our shop? Remember to include all of the important details!


Mrs Park

Play Day!

Today the Primary 7’s put together an activity afternoon for the nursery. There were 8 activities including the snack stall. There was an air hockey game,hook a duck,archery,P.E games,football,bean bag games,animal bingo,guess the teddies name & a quiet zone. The nursery children got a sticker if they were good at the activities.All of the Primary 7’s had good fun & so did the nursery! By Alex & Hollyimage image image image image image

Proper Fractions



Today we were learning about fractions. We drew squares and circles and marked the fraction we wanted by shading them. We know that if we had five as the numerator and nine as the denomonator, we would have nine sections and only shade in five of them.

By Annalena and Emma





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As part of our Micro Tyco  we are going to be selling cupcake making kits. With this kit you can make 6 cupcakes. The kit includes 6 egg decoration sticks, 6 marshmallows, 80g of icing sugar, 70g of flour, 70g of caster sugar and 1/2 tsp of baking powder. At home you will need to include 70g  of butter, 1 egg and 1/2 a table spoon of water. We will be taking orders until Friday 19th of February.The kits will be sold for £3.50. (Tissue paper not included)

By Abbie and Danielle