The last Friday of term!

This morning we were doing the house treat for Elm and everyone else did some work on rights and maths!

After break we were doing some pointillism art and cubism! 🖼



After lunchtime we went to ICT and played games

Happy holidays and we’ll see you in 2 weeks

Wednesday – 27 / 3 / 19




This morning we are doing maths in maths we are doing area and perimeter.

Circles – Finish zoo , W’sheet with teacher , RC cars then Sumdog

Triangles – Finish zoo , Sumdog , RC cars , Work sheet

Squares – Volume zoo , Sumdog


Now we are doing reading in reading we are doing fluently we are going to read a book with a lot of hard words ( Percy Jackson and the lighting thief and Artemis fowl ) and we are going to write a list of the words that we find tricky to read and we are going to practise them in till we know then all.

Now we are doing PE we are learning to get stronger and fitter.

Now we are going to do some outdoor learning.

We are going to explore our local area we are going to walk around the whole school and try find something natural.

Then we had assembly.

By Keira 👌🏻👌🏻🥞



















Finally Friday

We got into school and got to work we started of the day with reading our books 📖

After that our teacher had to go to a meeting so the class went to I.C.T we are doing Sumdog for 20 minutes


In maths we are exploring volume and surface area, plus area and Perimeter of 3D shapes.


We are doing volume and surface area

after that we are going to do art to prepare for our art show.


This week is abstract art. We were recreating Jackson pollock art. We made individual pieces and a collective class piece.


Enjoy your weekend.





Article  28

Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free. Secondary education must be avaible for every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s difnility.

When we came in today we started off by getting our thinking Jotters. We had to draw 3 columns. We had to write at the top e for easy, m for medium, and h for hard. We got spelling words that we used yesterday at the high school. We had to write what we thought the spelling words were, easy, medium or hard. Then the teacher set a 5 minutes timer for us to write the spelling words as many times as we can. After that we moved onto writing. We got to write a different deliema story. We didn’t get long. If we wrote some of it in Scots we got extra points. We were learning to write the story as if the character is the narrator.

Then it was playtime. It was an outdoor.

Article 31

Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

We came back in and we took 15 minutes to try and finish our deliema. It was fun.

After finishing our deliema we got all organised for maths. In maths we were learning to apply multiplying and dividing shapes, I can use my times tables to help with area and perimeter. Area  = number of squares on the inside, perimeter = distance around the outside. Some people did a booklet and they were learning the same but there was another I can. It was, I can find volumes and surface areas. The  circles did a work sheet about area, and then everybody else did a booklet.

Article 13

Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information.

After that it was lunch time. It was an outdoor.

When we came back in we did some art. The teacher said some information on how to do it. Then mr mcmullan demonstrated on how to do it. It turned out good. Then everybody got a shot. We got to try many times to see what ones Are better for tomorrow because tomorrow, we are gonna do it on a big piece of paper. We got to do a lot of tries and it was fun.

Then it was time for assembly. We did some singing 🎤, star pupils, Sumdog champions and more songs.

By Kimberley and carri

Article 29

Education must develop every child’s personality.






Monday 18/3/19

Today when we came in we started off by doing some maths .We are working on division.

Then Mr McMullan got the squares to work on some word problems.The triangles were doing word problems and went on Sumdog and the circles were doing the chalkboard,times table jigsaws and loop cards.

Then we went to  I.C.T with Mr Green  we were doing kodu game lab.It is a really fun game to play.


Then it was playtime . After playtime we still had a some I.C.T time left. When we went back to class we read a bit of are class novel holes .

Now we are doing literacy. In literacy Mr McMullan has gave us some activities and we have to chose what we think is the most important out of all of them to do first. We also played a game of wispering winds .

Now we are doing are literacy assessment.

Now it is time for the daily mile.

Now it is lunch time.After lunch time we were doing some abstract art before assembly. Abstract  art is to do a picture of shapes and lines.

Now it is time for assembly. Today it is an house assembly.In assembly we were finishing off some stuff from red nose  day, about what we want on the pitch. We watched news round,we also sang some songs,we had a Red Nose Day quiz.We had some song challenges that isn’t all but we would be here for ages. If I told you everything.

When we came back for assembly we finished off our abstract art. We got some instructions to follow. Here they are : do not mix up the thick and thin pens,chose portrate or landscape,big, small ,medium or mixture,use ruler, chose colours,start with sharp pencil then go over with pen,lines close ,no close lines or both,border,how thick or thin you want your lines to be ,lots of shapes or not a lot of shapes and pen,pencil or crayon. So if you ever want to do some abstract art these are the rules.Today is just are plan and tomorrow is the real one.

Then it was home time 😀😀





Kodu Game Lab

Using the Kodu Game Lab primary 6/7 are designing and creating unique landscapes and sequencing block programming code to make characters move and interact with the environment.

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Wacky Wednesday

The When we came in today we went to the high school. We were doing some chemical reactions. We learned how to describe them and we learned how to use them. We got to do some of the experiments 🧪 at the end of the lesson. We had to wear some goggles for our safety and we weren’t allowed to take them off in till we were finished the full session.

When we took them off it gave us silly marks on our face!

When we came back to the school it was playtime. It was an outdoor and we made it back just in time because playtime just started.

When we came back in we got changed for P:E. In P:E we did fitness. There was 4 activities. It was really fun.

When we finished we went back to the class to get changed. Then it was lunch time. It was an outdoor.

After lunchtime we came in and the teacher told us what we were doing. We were going in a reading groups and then doing what ever it told u to do. We only did that for 20m.

After that we finished off our art we started yesterday. The teacher wants them finished for parents night and that we can do a art show in front of the school.

By Kimberley and carri!!!!