Outdoor Physical Education

Primary 6/7 will be taking part in a 4 week block of outdoor physical education every Friday from Friday 28th August. For this block of outdoor PE children will be asked to attend school on this day wearing a waterproof jacket, plain black or grey jogging bottoms, a school polo shirt and a school jumper.

Graffiti Art

Today primary 6/7 used mixed methods to create graffiti art. Firstly children used Lego blocks to print a brick wall. Once dry they blended warm and cold colours to create their name.


When combined the results are amazing!




Place Value

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Today Primary 6/7 were partitioning 5 digit numbers and identifying the value of different numbers. We played some active games to help us order numbers and creating unique numbers.


Scottish Traditions

Today Primary 6/7 looked at some long-standing Scottish traditions. We explored tartans and how they link to Highland clans. As well as special events such as the Burns’ supper, the Highland Games, the Military Tattoo and the Edinburgh festival.

We found a fun fact!  Many tourists visiting Scotland are tricked into thinking the haggis is a little 3 legged animal by tour guides. So we designed some “haggis catchers” to help in the haggis hunt!