Thursday 11th June




Have you done the Sumdog 30 word spelling challenge yet this week? If not give it a go today.




Have a go on some of the digital dialects games for Italian. There is an option to learn the words first, or just try the game and see if you can guess some of the words using your big brain.


Main task


We have previously discussed the “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief” book in class. There was a discussion about whether this book was interesting or not. Some people thought that the mythology was interesting, for others, it was boring.


Here is a great lesson using Percy Jackson as the text. Give it a go and see if you enjoy the text or if you prefer other types of books.



Factors and multiples are a great way of checking if you know your times tables.

A factor is the times table that a number is in

A multiple is the answers of the times tables

This game was a great challenge earlier in the year and we tried to see who could make the longest chain.

Give it another go to test your knowledge of times tables and see if you can get a chain:

Bronze 5 numbers

Silver 10 numbers

Gold 15 numbers

Platinum 20 numbers

Uber platinum 30 numbers



Data handling

Have you tried the data handling challenge on sumdog yet this week? If not try it today and see if you can answer 50 questions correctly!


Databases and Venn Diagrams

Yesterday we explored Venn diagrams. Today we have a Database about animals, which can then be turned into a Venn diagram.

Remember, the overlap area in a Venn diagram is for things that have both characteristics e.g. it is a bird and it can fly

On the left would be things that are birds but can’t fly such as a penguin and on the right is things that can fly but aren’t birds, for example, a bee.










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