Wednesday 20th May


*** sumdog maths championship today at 11am. This will be in random teams this week. Good luck to everyone***




On Friday, there will be a sumdog spelling assessment on some of the words we have been working on over the last few week. Take some time today, tomorrow and Thursday to look back over the spelling lists that I have been putting up on Mondays. Read the words, write the words, type the words, draw them, sing them… whatever helps you learn them.

This week’s words are:

absence, ancient, certainly, definitely, disappear, existence, guidance, government, irrelevant, muscle, niece, receive, rhythm, temperature.



Colons and semi-colons are tricky punctuation to use and often get forgotten about in our writing.


Have a go at this lesson from BBC Bitesize – there are a few videos and a quiz to check if you have understood.



Just a couple of pages for reading today. Enjoy.




Sumdog championship today at 11 am. Random teams this week


Word problem of the day

Yesterday’s answers

I leave my house at 09:20am. I want to get the 09:35 bus and it takes me 12 minutes to walk to the bus stop. I forget my phone and realise after walking 1 minute from my house. I immediately turn around and walk back for it, then straight to the bus stop.

  1. How long do I have to walk from the house to the bus stop before the bus gets there? 15 minutes
  2. If I didn’t forget my phone, how long after I arrived at the bus stop, would the bus have arrived? 3 minutes
  3. Will I be on time to catch the bus after I have turned back to get my phone? Yes by 1 minute


Today’s problem

Last night I slept for 8 hours. I woke up at 6 am. I watch TV in bed for 10 minutes after I wake up and then go downstairs to get a cup of coffee. The coffee takes 5 minutes to make and then I sit outside and read my book for 30 minutes before I start work.

  1. What time did I go to bed?
  2. What time is my coffee ready at?
  3. True or False – I start work at 7 am?

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