Monday 27th April



This week’s spelling words are based on Scottish places and landmarks.

Corryvreckan, Islay, Ecclefechan, Cairngorms, Glenshee, Ailsa Craig, Scapa Flow, Hebrides, Bealach na Ba.

Google these places and find out more about what they are and why they are important areas in Scotland’s culture, history and daily life.



Keep up your practice handwriting by writing out your spelling words in sentences or writing out some text from a book. You can also spend some time on typeracer or BBC Dancemat to improve your typing.

If you would like some fancy handwriting practice, watch this video and give it a go!



Watch the following video of David Walliams book “The World’s Worst Children” (or read it if you have the book)


  1. Find at least 3 places that Drew sleeps during the story.
  2. Which lesson does Drew dribble in the most?
  3. How many different dinosaurs in the Natural History Museum are mentioned during the story?
  4. What made Winston think something was strange when he got to work?
  5. The author uses a great example of alliteration to describe the drool that flows through the doors of the museum. Can you find it? Remember, alliteration is when to or more words start with the same sound e.g. Drooling Drew.
  6. The author also uses onomatopoeia to describe the drool coming through the doors. Can you find it. (onomatopoeia is a sound word that sounds like when you say it e.g. ping, buzz)
  7. Why did Drew do well at the school trip?
  8. What do you think about this story? Why?


Extra challenge = write the sequel to this story where Dribbling Drew goes on another school trip.



***if you didn’t get to do the maths assessment on sumdog last week, please take some time to do that now***


This week we are going to focus on money. We are going to look at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing money, as well as budgeting and shopping.


Warm up

Have a go at this game to practice adding simple money amounts as well as making budgeting decisions.

This game below is also excellent for practicing budgeting – spend some time exploring the game and try doing it a couple of times, with different decisions at the start to see how it affects your spending choices.


Main task

During the lockdown, we need to plan our weekly shopping so that we are minimising our contact in shops. This is a great opportunity for us to plan what we need for our household for a week and to explore how much these items cost and where is the cheapest place to buy them.

Guess how much you think each item on the list below costs, then check online to see how much they are in real life. Extra Challenge – work out the difference between your guess and the real cost, as well as the total cost of your guess and actual total cost.

Item Guess Actual cost
2L milk    
Loaf of brown bread    
Bag of potatoes    
500g mince    
Whole chicken    
3 peppers    
5 bananas    
4 toilet rolls    
Litre of petrol    
Tin of chopped tomatoes    
1kg bag of rice    
500g salted butter    
Pack of jaffa cakes    
4 yoghurts    
500g cheese    
Make up a few of your own    


Send me your total estimates and how close it was to the total cost!

Don’t forget – Wednesday 11am is the weekly sumdog competition!

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