Thursday 23rd April

Thursday 23rd April



Anagrams are words that have the letters jumbled up.

For example, which animal is this = SROHE

Work out the multiple anagrams of these letters. There is a clue to help you with each one.


Persuasive writing is when you choose an opinion and argue why it is correct. We have worked a lot on debates and discussions this year and the kind of language you need to use to help persuade people that you are correct.

You also need to include facts and examples to prove what you are saying. If you can explain why the other side is wrong as well, this is also very helpful.

Today, you are going to write out your argument for the following:


“Which super power would be better – being able to fly or being able to stop time.”


Explain which you would like and why and explain why it would be better/more useful than the other super power.


If you would like some more information about how to structure your writing, check this website out:



warm up =

this is an excellent game to help you practice equivalent fractions. What level can you get to?


Main task

Continuing to work on Equivalent Fractions


If anyone would like to do some other subjects beyond maths and language, check out the links below. There are some great lessons, information and ideas online at the moment and you should put some time and energy into the subjects that interest you most.

There are english, maths, music, chemistry, biology, geography, HWB, history and physics lessons. Feel free to click on the years below or above to find something that suits your level and interest.

Great short podcasts about History topics that you can listen to when out for your daily exercise or when you get up in the morning and are having your breakfast.



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