Thursday 26th March

Thurday 26th March



warm up = spelling hangman with this week’s spelling words


writing (two day project)

over the next two days, you are going to create your own newspaper or news website.

Today, spend some time researching newspapers and websites. Try and get a physical newspaper and look through the different sections. Go on a few news websites e.g. dogo news, newsround, bbc news. Look at the different sections within the websites and decide which sections you would like to put in your newspaper/website.

Target is to create at least 3 sections for your newspaper/website that has at least 2 articles each. You articles can be real or completely made up!

Ideas for sections:

Sport, news, puzzles, comic, nature, science, world news, local news, happy news etc.

Each article should have a headline, be written in paragraphs and have a picture to go with it.

If you want to make it on paper and stick it all together that’s great. If you are confident making a website uploading this information that’s great. Send me any web addresses.



Warm up task = countdown – try and make the target number using the numbers below. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide. You can only use each number once.


Target = 100

Level 1 = 10              2              5              4              50

Level 2 = 30            3              4              40            5

Level 3 = 8               6              2              1               4


Main task

Time revision

I can read timetables

I can add and subtract time



Cook something with someone in your family. Could be as simple as beans on toast or as challenging as homemade curry!

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