Happy Monday

This morning we finished a block of learning in maths. We were learning about how to put numbers in order of size. We also explained why the number was bigger or smaller

eg 3.18 is smaller than 3.6 because in the units column it’s both the same but in the tenths there is a 6 which is bigger.


In language we were learning a new character called “Expi the Explorer”. We learned how to explore for WOW words. A WOW word is a dramatic word, unusual word or a word that makes the text better.

In PE we are learning to get stronger and fitter. to be successful we needed to not give up.

At assembly we learned about rights, for example article 19 all children have the right to share their success and talent.

In HWB we learned about how our needs are the same as people from around the world, but our wants and priorities are different.

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