WB 22nd June 2020
Hello P3/4
Firstly, well done to everyone who managed to complete their Monster Description task, if you didn’t manage to complete it don’t worry.
Boys and girls, I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed having you all in my class this year and I am so sad that our time together has been cut short. I will always look back on our time together with a smile on my face because you are all such amazing boys and girls. It has been a pleasure having you all in my class and I hope you have a sensational summer holiday with your families. I am looking forward to seeing you all when school returns in August! Thank you for being such amazing children, I have enjoyed watching you all grow and learn this year. We have created wonderful memories and I have loved being your P3/4 teacher! I am so proud of you all!
I have included some tasks that I think you might like below. Some of the tasks are related to the end of term and have a summer theme. I hope you enjoy them. Your first task is to leave me a message on Teams if you can. I am looking forward to hearing from you all this week.
Numeracy – Revise your 2x 3x 4x 5x and 10 times tables.
Rectangle Group Summer Maths Booklet – Questions
Rectangle Group Summer Maths Booklet Answers
Triangle Group Summer Maths Activity Booklet
Triangle Group Summer Maths Activity Booklet Answers
Circle Group Summer Maths Activity Booklet
Circle Group Summer Maths Activity Answer Booklet
Spelling – Refer to your common word lists inside the folders on Teams.
Literacy –
My Favourite Memories of P3-4 Worksheet
Reading –Enjoy reading various books using your Oxford Owl password and login (stpatsprimaryp3/4)
Children in the Yellow reading group could also try starfall reading and access the reading resources there too.
R.E –
Remember to respect others and to continue carrying out kind deeds at home. Write a few sentences and add illustrations to show the kind and considerate things you’ve been doing for others. I would love to see some of your illustrations on Teams.
Art – Draw a landscape by clicking on the link below and following the instructions in the Youtube video.
Geography – During our Ancient Egypt topic we looked at the continents of the world. Click on the link below to learn more about Antarctica.
Antarctica powerpoint and Activities
Health and Wellbeing –
Virtual Sports Day today (Monday) Have you seen the video some of the teachers made on the school blog and twitter? Mr Dinsmor has emailed out some relevant information, including a score card to your parent. Try and take some photos and upload them to @NLActiveSchools with #NLSport’s Day. Ask a parent for help.
Wellbeing Wednesday (friendship)
I look forward to hearing from you all this week P3/4. Take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 15th June 2020
Hello P3/4
Your first task is to leave a message on Teams. I am looking forward to hearing from you all. I have updated Sumdog with new tasks. Try to access Teach Your Monster to Read too.
Numeracy – Keep revising your 2x 3x 4x 5x and 10x tables
Rectangle Group Addition with carrying
Rectangle Group Subtraction with exchanging
Triangle Group Addition with carrying
Triangle Group Subtraction with exchanging
First Level Money Paying for items
First Level Money coins and notes
First Level Money Ticket Prices
Literacy – Look at the activities below and complete the ones you feel comfortable with. Good luck.
Correct the sentence punctuation activity sheets
Reading –
Red Group – Oxford Level 14 – Grace the Pirate:
Task 1 – Create a treasure map and put an X to mark where the treasure is hidden.
Task 2- Create a visualiser for Grace. Use bullet points and adjectives to describe Grace. Write about her appearance as well as her personality. Remember to proofread your sentences and include relevant punctuation.
Task 3 – Draw a picture of Grace and her pirate ship.
Task 4 – Answer the questions at the beginning of the book.
Remember to put a picture of your work on Teams.
Green Group – Oxford Level 8 – Finn MacCool and the Giant’s Causeway:
Task 1 – Activities online.
Task 2 – Answer the questions at the end of your book.
Task 3 – Write 3 true and 3 false facts about your book. Proofread your sentences and make sure you have included full stops and capital letters.
Task 4 – Write about your favourite part of the book and why. Include an illustration of your favourite part of the book.
Remember to put a picture of your work on Teams.
Yellow Group–
Oxford Level 2: Spots: Activities online.
Oxford level 3: By the Stream: Activities online.
Oxford level 3: The Ice Rink: Activities online.
Children in the Yellow reading group could also try starfall reading and access the reading resources there too.
Phonemes – Please revise the following taught phonemes:
Red Group – ‘oe’ phoneme representatives
Green Group – ‘ey’ phoneme
Yellow Group – ‘wh’ phoneme
R.E – Yesterday was Corpus Christi Sunday. The festival celebrates the Eucharist and the belief that the bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Christ.
Friday will be the feast day for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents Jesus’ divine love for all of mankind.
Sacred Heart of Jesus worksheet
Remember to continue carrying out kind deeds at home. Write a few sentences and add illustrations to show the kind and considerate things you’ve been doing for others. I would love to see some of your illustrations on Teams.
Health and Wellbeing –
Remember to check the files in Teams for additional work. I look forward to hearing from you all. Take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 8th June 2020
Good Morning P3/4
Please leave a comment on ‘Teams’ and let our P3/4 class know how you’re getting on. Tell us what you’ve been getting up to at home with your families. It is lovely to read the messages you leave there, but I haven’t heard from some of you, so try your best to leave a comment this week. Ask a parent to help you.
Numeracy: Complete the worksheets you wish to from the selection below.
First Level Repeating Patterns
First Level Repeating Number Patterns
First Level Patterns Number Patterns
First Level Patterns100 Square Patterns
3 digit addition with carrying
2 digit addition without carrying
Red Group – Oxford Level 13
The Personality Potion:
Task 1- What ingredients would you add to your potion? What would your magic potion be used for?
Task 2 – Draw a picture of your magic potion bottle and design a label for your bottle too.
Remember to put a picture of your designs on Teams.
Green Group – Oxford Level 8
Dinosaur Safari:
Task 1 – Activities online + Dinosaur Safari Learning at Home
Task 2 – Create a Dinosaur Fact File using subheadings and bullet points. Use full stops and capital letters when you write your dinosaur facts.
The Pizza Patch:
Task 1 – Draw a picture of your own pizza, what toppings would you add? As you all know, my favourite topping is pineapple. Yum!
Task 2 – Design a garden of your own. Would you have a sand pit, trampoline, tree house or swimming pool in it?
Write 3 true and 3 false facts about each book. Use capital letters and full stops correctly.
Remember to put a picture of your designs on Teams.
Yellow Group– Oxford Level 2
A Bag of Tricks: Who does Lucy play a trick on first and what does she do. Sequence the story in the correct order.
Cat’s Picnic:
Task 1 – Write a few sentences about what food and drink you would take on a picnic.
Task 2 – Draw a picture of you at your picnic, with all your favourite food and drink.
Oxford Level 3
Silver Foil Rocket: Activities online.
The Birthday Cake: Activities online.
Write 2 false and 2 true sentences about each book.
Children in the Yellow reading group could also try starfall reading and access the reading resources there too.
Phonemes – Please revise the following taught phonemes:
Red Group – ‘ie’ phoneme representatives:
Green Group – ‘se’ phoneme:
Yellow Group – ‘ng’ phoneme:
R.E – June is the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The heart symbol represents Jesus Christ’s actual heart, as His love for all of humanity. The heart has a circle of thorns that represents the crown of thorns at the crucifixion. The flame or light surrounding it signifies the divine light of love.
When people pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, they will often feel a greater sense of security knowing they are being watched over and protected. Among other things, the Sacred Heart brings peace to families and individuals because of what it signifies.
Sacred Heart of Jesus colouring page
Sacred Heart of Jesus colouring sheet
Remember to continue carrying out kind deeds at home. Write a few sentences, and add illustrations, to show the kind and considerate things you’ve been doing for others. I would love to see some of your illustrations on Teams.
P.E – I hope you enjoyed the Tap Up Tennis Challenge last week. Have fun this week with the Fast Feet Challenge.
Try some of these tasks, as well as the ones I’ve put on Teams, and have fun at home with your families too. Please ask an adult to help you leave a comment, or photograph of your work on Teams. I look forward to hearing from you all. Have a great week , take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 1st June 2020
Good afternoon P3/4
It is the 1st of June today, it’s almost the summer holidays! Have a wonderful day and try to complete some of the following tasks if you can. Try to leave a message on Teams too. This is a great way for us all to keep in touch.
First Level Time Months and Seasons
First Level Time Using a Calendar
Refer to your homework packs and your spelling words. Think about spelling strategies and use pyramid spelling, rainbow spelling, upper and lower case letters and other ways to help you write your words correctly. You could also write sentences using your common words, including the relevant punctuation.
Red Group – Oxford Level 12 – Dohicky and the Robot
Task – Do you have a good idea for an invention? Pretend you are an inventor, what exciting idea could you come up with? Write a paragraph about what you would create and why. Include an illustration of your invention
Green Group – Oxford Level 8 –Wild Wheels
TASK 1 – Create your own bike or monster truck. What would it look like? Using bullet points write some sentences to describe it and include an illustration at the end. Be creative if you like, maybe add wings so you can fly or a bell that takes you to a different place.
Yellow Group- Oxford Level 2:
Tiger’s Fish – Draw a fish and write a sentence about it. What will you name it?
The Ox and the Yak – Read the book with an adult and complete the comprehension task on the last page of the book.
Children in the Yellow reading group could also try starfall reading and access the reading resources there too.
R.E :
On Sunday, the church celebrated Pentecost. Learn about Pentecost here – Pentecost video
Remember to continue carrying out kind deeds at home. Write a few sentences and add an illustration to show the kind and considerate things you’ve been doing for others. Photograph your work and put it on Teams with an adult’s help.
Health and Wellbeing:
I hope you enjoyed the Air Balloon Challenge last week. Have fun this week with the Tennis Challenge.
Use the worksheet to write about 2 things you are proud of. You can include an illustration of yourself too.
Remember to stay safe in the sun by wearing a sun hat. Design you own hat here –
Try your best to leave a picture of your work, or a message on Teams and let me know how you are all getting on.
Take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 26th May 2020
Red Group – Oxford Level 12 – Here Comes Trouble
Task 1- Have you ever been clumsy? If so write a short paragraph about what happened using the correct punctuation. Add an illustration if you wish.
Task 2 – Perhaps draw a picture of a dragon or a monster and write a short paragraph to describe it. Use adjectives and descriptive phrases too.
Green Group – Oxford Level 8 – Alien Adventures Champion 2
TASK 1 – Draw a picture of your own alien and give it a name. Write a few sentences, using adjectives to describe your alien.
Yellow Group– Have a look at the following books and choose one or two you feel you can read well.
Dad, Can You Can Do? – Oxford Level 4
Dragon Training – Oxford Level 4
The Scarf – Oxford Level 2
Alien Adventures Champion 1 – Oxford Level 2
Children in the Yellow reading group could also try starfall reading and access the reading resources there too.
Phonemes – Please revise the following taught phonemes:
Red Group – ‘ae’ phoneme representatives – Phoneme Story ‘ae’
Green Group – ‘tch’ phoneme – ‘tch’ Phoneme Story
Yellow Group – ‘sh’ phoneme – highlight the ‘sh’ phoneme worksheet
R.E – Remember to continue carrying out kind deeds at home. Write a few sentences and include illustrations to show the kind and considerate things you’ve been doing for others.
During our last week of May continue praying to Our Lady.
P.E – I hope you enjoyed the Sock Challenge last week. Have fun this week with the Air Balloon Challenge.
Tying Your Laces Shoe-Tying-Template
Try some of the tasks above and have a wonderful week. If you can tie your shoelaces why not time yourself and see if you can tie them faster. Perhaps try to do a double knot to ensure your laces are tied more securely. Let me know how you get on with this challenge. Good luck, I know you can do it.
Take care for now.
Miss Park
Wb 18th May ‘20
Good Afternoon P3/4
I hope you have all managed to access Oxford Owl, there are lots of titles to choose from and some even have activities to complete once you have finished the book. You can select books according to your age or interest. You could challenge yourself if you like a title, give it a go and see if you can read it. This week I am suggesting the following books for each group:
Red Group Oxford Level 12 Cool Clive (Task 1 – Create a visualiser for Clive, write sentences to describe his appearance and personality. Add further detail by adding adjectives to your illustration. Task 2 – What business would you create to make money? Draw a poster like Clive did to advertise your business.)
Green Group Oxford Level 8 What Was It Like (complete online task)
Yellow Group Oxford Level 4 Plants for Dinner + No Tricks, Gran! (complete online task)
Red Group Oxford Level 2 A Bag of Tricks + Quiz! (complete online task)
Check out the Ronald the Rhino Reading Comprehension task. At the bottom of each set of questions you will find stars. The stars represent the level of difficulty beginning with one star, progressing to 3 stars. Complete the reading and comprehension questions you feel comfortable with. Good luck.
I will update tasks for spelling, grammar and number work. Good luck with these challenges.
Please continue to revise your 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x tables. Ask someone at home to test you and see how well you are getting on. You can also google ‘Set Mania Daily Challenge’ and attempt the problem solving shape and pattern game. You can do it!
Continue praying to Our Lady during the month of May. We think about Jesus going up to heaven on Ascension Thursday this week. I have provided a Powerpoint to remind you of what happened to Jesus on this day. There is a puzzle worksheet to complete too.
I’m glad some of you have been going for a walk or playing in your garden. The weather doesn’t look like it will be as bright and sunny this week so I have given you a sock challenge to attempt at home. I hope you have some fun trying to complete it.
Have a wonderful week everyone, I am missing you all. Take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 12th May 2020
Hello P3/4
Please attempt some of the following tasks but remember to have a nice time at home with your families too. I have set new spelling and numeracy tasks on Sumdog. Good luck with these challenges.
Literacy – Remember to use your passwords for Teach Your Monster to Read, Studyladder and Espresso. You will find information to read, games to complete and you’ll have fun too.
Oxford Owl – Click the pink box saying ‘My Pupil Login’ and remember our class name and password is stpatsprimaryp3/4
I have selected the following books for each group to read this week. Please feel free to read as many books as you wish though.
Red Group – Level 12 – Fables from Africa (maybe you could write your own fable with a moral at the end)
Green Group – Level 8 – Into the Pyramid (online activity after reading the book online)
Yellow Group – Level 4 – Painting the Loft + Goal! (both books have activities to complete online)
Red Group – Level 2 – The King and His Wish + A Dog’s Day (both books have activities to complete online)
Numeracy – Here are a few tasks for you to try based on what we have covered in class so far. There is a Place Value online game, a 2D/3D worksheet and a Multiplication colouring sheet (remember 9×2 is the same as 2×9) Good luck.
Multiplication Apple Tree Answer Sheet
Topic – Please read the information sheet first and then attempt the activities. Page one is a labelling task. Page 2 is where you write down some facts beside each item of food or drink. Page 3 is for you to draw the food and drink as well as write in some more facts about each item. Good luck with this task.
Ancient Egyptian Food and Drink Information Sheet
Ancient Egyptian Food and Drink Activity
If you are unable to print the worksheet maybe you could read the information sheet and then create a poster showing the different types of food and drink used in Ancient Egypt.
R.E – Continue your kind deeds at home. Perhaps you could write a few sentences about what you’re doing to help and include an illustration too. You are all very creative.
Has anyone created a May altar at home? I’d love to see some photos if you have. The May Altar colouring sheet shows a candle, remember to ask an adult to light the candle or use a battery operated candle instead.
Most children in P4 were due to make their First Holy Communion on Saturday, why not ask your family about what they can remember from their Communion Day. How did they feel? Do they have any photos you could look at? Don’t worry, you will all make it when the time is right boys and girls.
I look forward to hearing from you soon P3/4. Take care for now.
Miss Park
WB 4th May 2020
Hello P3/4
I hope you are all happy and safe. I have been looking at the Sumdog leader board and i’m so impressed with the effort some of you have made. Well done!
Book Week: It’s Book Week so why not write a short paragraph about your favourite book and author. You could even write your own short story with illustrations and an interesting front cover.
I have provided a diary for you to keep track of the books you read at home or in the garden. Perhaps you could list some of your own personal books or even some of the ebooks you manage to read from Oxford Owl.
Reading – Please access the Oxford Owl website using the username and password: stpatsprimaryp3/4 Remember to click ‘my class login’ in pink at the top of the page and insert the correct username and password.
Numeracy: Continue revising your times tables please. Sumdog tasks have also been set. Have a look at each addition worksheet below and try to complete the one you feel more comfortable with. Good luck.
3 digit addition with carrying
2 digit addition with carrying
2 digit addition without carrying
First Level Numbers and Number Processes 10 more 10 less
R.E: It is now May, the month of Our Lady. Try to say a prayer to Our Lady each day, why not make a May Altar at home since we are unable to make one in our classroom.
Hail Mary read, write and colour
Have a great week children. Remember you don’t have to complete all of the tasks.
I am looking forward to hearing from you all on the blog. It really is great to get a message from you! Take care for now, I am missing you all.
Miss Park
WB 27th April 2020
Hello P3/4
Good luck with your tasks this week boys and girls. I have included a variety of tasks for you to pick and choose from, you don’t need to complete them all. I hope you enjoy the lovely weather and manage to spend some quality time with your families. Take care for now children. I am missing you all.
Numeracy – The Measuring task on Sumdog continues this week. Keep practising your 2x 3x 4x 5x and 10x times tables too.
Remember we looked at 3D shapes and their nets? We worked at different stations in class and some of you were able to cut out the net of a 3D shape and glue it together. We discussed these shapes further by linking them to a real life context? Why not try to make one again, or perhaps choose a different one this time. Don’t forget to ask an adult for help when using scissors.
Literacy – The reading and grammar tasks for Sumdog will continue this week.
Check out the Tutankhamun reading and comprehension task below. At the bottom of each set of questions you will find stars. The stars represent the level of difficulty beginning with one star, progressing to 3 stars. Complete the reading and comprehension questions you feel comfortable with. Good luck.
Tutankhamun Reading Comprehension Task
Throughout P3/4 we have looked at contractions with many of you using the Go Fish/Snap games as a finishing task. I have included a revision worksheet below.
R.E – Continue your kind deeds at home. I loved to read about your kind deeds each week in your homework jotters. Some of you even included a drawing to show how you helped someone at home. Why not draw a picture and write a few sentences about what you do this week. I’d love to see all your drawings.
Remember how powerful passing on a smile can be
I am thinking of all the Muslim children during Ramadan. It is a good time for prayer and good deeds.
Egypt/Mindfulness – Here are some printable sheets I thought you might like to colour in.
Remember you don’t have to complete all of the tasks, just do what you can and have a nice time at home.
Thinking about you all and hoping to hear from you on the blog.
Goodbye for now.
Miss Park
Monday 20th April 2020 – Welcome Back!
Good Afternoon P3/4
Are you enjoying the lovely weather? I would love to hear from you all and find out how you are doing and what you’ve been getting up to.
When I’m in my garden or out for a walk I remember our fun Nature Walk at the beginning of Term 1 and how much fun we all had looking at the trees, flowers, butterflies, birds, dogs and more. If you have a garden why not go out and investigate all of the living things you find there. If you don’t have a garden you could try to look out for living things during your family walk outside in your community.
Literacy and Art – Why not draw a picture of a particular tree or animal and write some facts about it using bullet points. You could include some adjectives to help describe your picture in more detail. I think I will draw my favourite tree, a cherry blossom tree. My neighbours have one growing in their garden and it is very beautiful.
Numeracy – Please remember to practise your times tables. You can access the Funky Mummy subtraction, addition and multiplication games using this link
Problem Solving – We had lots of fun looking at shapes and patterns last term. Use your problem solving skills and try to complete the Set Mania daily challenges.
I have also set some new numeracy and grammar tasks on Sumdog for you to complete. I’ve noticed some of you have attempted previous tasks with some hard workers even managing to complete them. An excellent effort! I hope you do well in these new tasks too. I’m excited to see who is at the top of the leader board each time I check your progress.
R.E – I hope you are all helping out at home and completing kind deeds for others.
Topic – If you managed to create an Egyptian message using hieroglyphs, well done. If not, just click on this link to help you make one Hieroglyphic Secret Message
Please complete some of these tasks if possible, but remember to laugh lots and have fun. Make sure you enjoy time with your families while this lovely weather lasts.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care, Miss Park
First Level Literacy Home Activities
Second Level Literacy Activities
Useful online resources to pray at home
First Level Speech & Language Home Activities
EF_00204 Supporting Children Interactive (1)