Chryston High vs Our Lady’s High

On the 6th of November Chryston S1 team travelled to Cumbernauld to play a very skilful Our Lady’s S1 team. The Cumbernauld boys were great communicators and have clearly played as a team before. Chryston suffered a heavy defeat but we didn’t take it too hard. We are still focused on the next game on Wednesday tonight.


Reporters Mark Newlands and Jack White

S1 Boys’ Football Team

On Monday 7th the first year football team have a game against Our Lady’s High. The team sheet is:

Mark Newlands, James Denham, Sam Archibald, Liam Smith, Aaron Curtis, Ben Hemphill, Mark Newlands, Lewis Shaw,Calvin McCormack, Alex Hemphill, Jay Archibald, Jack White, Lewis Pollock, Lewis  Govan,  Ryan Mullholland,  Jack Fagan and  Aiden Reid.s1-football-team


S4/5/6 SQA Information Evening 2

There will be an info evening for all S4/5/6 parents on Thursday 3rd of November. The evening will be hosted by Greg Kane, Depute in charge of the senior school. There will also be a selection of senior students who will be talking about their experiences through their National qualifications and Highers and their journey from coursework through prelims and exams. They will be open to questions and hopefully will help parents / guardians have an increased understanding of the demands of the senior school. Mr Kane will also be on hand to answer any questions pertaining to the curriculum or examination process. The evening will start at 6.45pm. Hope to see you there!


S1 Learning Journey

This blog is created by Leah Gaughan, Alishba Irfan, & Rachel Stewart. 


On this blog we will provide information about what S1 are learning in their subjects across the school.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and our S1 Learning Journey.


Picnic in the Park

On a cool autumn morning on Friday the 30th of September, 160 first years pupils, 30 staff and helpers  descended on Drumpelier Country Park to participate in our PE, Home Economics and Geography inter-disciplinary event; Picnic in the Park.









This event was the culmination of weeks of learning across the different departments in the school. In PE, the pupils  spent time developing their fitness and learning the skills required to successfully complete the Orienteering competition course. In Home Economics, pupils learned about sports nutrition, preparing Flapjacks to eat before the event to provide energy, and soup and a roll to refuel after the event. Our young people brushed up on their map reading skills in Geography so that they could successfully negotiate the entire grounds of the park.


Despite a couple of heavy showers, a good morning of outdoor learning was enjoyed by everyone with all S1 pupils gaining either their Gold, Silver or Bronze National Navigation Award.


Special congratulations to all of our medal winning pairs for completing their respective courses in the fastest time!

Picnic in the Park Course winners
Picnic in the Park Course winners
Top 3 finishing pairs from all 3 Orienteering courses 👏👏👏
Top 3 finishing pairs from all 3 Orienteering courses 👏
Blue course
1st     Robert Wallace, James Ballantyne
2nd     Amy Hadden, Victoria Savage
3rd     Hayley Smith, Chloe McNee
Red Course
1st     Jay Archibald, Aaron Curtis
2nd     Fraser Maxwell, Aiden McKendrick
3rd     Caley Strange, Billie Jackson
Yellow Course
1st     Skye Wright, Alexis Cockburn
2nd     Charli Tennant, Brooke Cameron
3rd     Lewis Milton, Kyle Moore

S4-6 Trip to Munich and Salzburg


The Modern Languages department are delighted to offer S4-6 German pupils the opportunity to visit Munich and Salzburg.  The trip will run from Wednesday 14th to Monday 19th June 2017 and will cost £540.

Some proposed activities include:


  • Walking tour of Munich
  • Visit Marienplatz, museums and English gardens
  • Visit to Schloss Nymphenburg
  • Visit to Erding
  • Guided tour of Allianz Arena
  • Visit to a local school in Herrsching
  • Day trip to Füssen to Neuschwanstein Castle
  • Day trip to Salzburg in Austria

First deposits are due in Friday 14th October. Please see the attached letter for more details.

Letter Munich Salzburg 2017