Advance Higher History


Purpose and aims

Candidates acquire depth in their knowledge and understanding of historical themes, and further develop the skills of analysing complex historical issues, evaluating sources, and drawing conclusions. The depth of study enables candidates to engage in historical debate and thereby develop a deeper appreciation of the forces which have shaped historical developments.

Candidates develop:

¨ a conceptual understanding of the past and an ability to think independently

¨ a critical analysis of existing historical research, including identifying important lines of argument and evaluating schools of thought on particular historical issues

¨ analytical skills through the use of historical sources relating to authorship and purpose, perspective and historical and historiographical context

¨ an understanding of the relationship between factors that contribute to complex historical events ¨ an understanding of the impact of contributing factors, and their relationship with one another, on historical events

Who is this course for?

The course is suitable for candidates who have a been awarded a Higher History at grades A-C who wish to develop a further understanding of history.

Course content

Candidates undertake a detailed study of Germany: From Democracy to Dictatorship 1918-1939.

Course assessment structure:

Question paper 90 marks: This is 64% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

Project–dissertation 50 marks: The project–dissertation has a total mark allocation of 50 marks. This is 36% of the overall marks for the course assessment.


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