S1 Welcome Evening

There is a welcome evening for S1 parents, families and children on Thursday 3 October  from 6.30pm until 8.30pm.  Parents will be able to visit classrooms with their children and speak to teachers and pupils about what their children have been learning.  Pupils representing the various clubs and committees in the school will be in the social area.  We look forward to welcoming you to Chryston High School.

Please see S1 Welcome Evening 2019 for more information and S1 Dates for your Diary.

Headteacher’s Welcome for 2019

We hope you enjoyed the summer holidays. We have had a very busy and positive start to our new school session and we look forward to yet another successful session at Chryston High School.

We have many new and exciting projects happening throughout the year but 2 of our main updates that we would like to give you more information on are the launch of The Parent’s Portal and the CHS Supporters 500 Club.  The link below is a letter giving a brief summary of both of these but further info on how to sign up can be found in The Parent’s Portal Menu at the top of the page.

2019 Welcome Letter

We would like to thank all our school community for their continued support and hope that session 2019-20 brings all our young people and their families lots of joy and success.

CHS Supporters 500 Club

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you our fantastic new 500 Club.

Our new club will be run by Chryston High School Supporters (CHSS), a new and exciting fund raising and community building branch of our parent forum in partnership with our Parent Council.

The aim of our club is to raise some funds for our school on a monthly basis whilst giving you the chance to have a flutter and win a cash prize.

When you join we will allocate you a number which costs £2 per month. You can have up to five numbers per household. So £4 a month for two numbers and so on.

For a full explanation of the rules and how to sign up please click on the links  below:

CHSS 500 Club Letter Sept 2019

Rules for the CHSS 500 Club

Our first draw is likely to take place at the end of September/beginning of October 2019 so join up soon to avoid disappointment. Good luck!

Get Involved!

All  Chryston High P.E. clubs are up and running!

Here is our timetable: (with a few added extras!!)

Due to popular demand we have added another Fitness Suite session Monday after school for all pupils which will be lead by our very capable, motivating and inspiring senior pupil Rhiannon.

The Ultimate Frisbee days and times will be be advertised ASAP!

#getinvolved #wearechrystonhigh


End of Year Reflection

It is difficult to believe that we are fast approaching the end of yet another successful school session at Chryston High. I‘d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of our school and I look forward to the exciting challenges, opportunities and experiences that lie ahead of us next session.

Our school session will officially end on Friday 28th June at 1pm and the 2019-20 school session will begin for all pupils on Wednesday 14th August at the normal time of 8.55am.

Please click on the links below to access our latest newsletter, a letter to all parents and next year’s parent / family calendar.

Summer News June 2019

Summer Parent Letter June 2019

CHS Family Calendar 2019-20

Finally, I’d like to thank all pupils, staff and parents for their continued tremendous support and hard work. I wish all associated with Chryston High School a very happy and restful summer and I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school in full school uniform eager to learn on Wednesday 14th August!

Food and Textile Technology Plastic Reduction – Guidelines for next session

The Food and Textile Technology Department (formally known as Home Economics) are aiming to cut down the use of plastic and foil containers within the kitchen as part of a drive to become more eco-friendly. To help combat this, the pupils are asked to bring in a plastic Tupperware container to carry their food dishes home. The most suitable container would be one with tight locks around the sides of the lid to ensure there are no spillages (picture below). We also ask that the pupils name and class is labelled clearly on the container.

If the pupil comes to class with no container then they may not be able to prepare food within the lesson.

If you are not able to supply a suitable container then let us know and we can source one for your child to keep.

We thank you for your support in this, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Mrs McColl and Miss Williamson

Teachers of Food and Textile Technology

S5 and S6 Conference Day – Monday 3rd June

All pupils returning to school into S5 or S6 should attend their respective senior conference day on Monday 3rd June

Both events start at 9.30am.

The S5 conference will be held in the Chryston Cultural Centre (entrance via Library) and the S6 conference will be held in the Iain Nicolson Centre.  Bothe events will NOT be at Chryston High School.

All students who wish to return to school for S5 or S6 must attend these events and be in full school uniform.

A letter with further information on each event can be found below.

S5 conference letter

S6 conference letter

We look forward to seeing everyone on their return after a demanding and rewarding exam diet!