Modern Languages Home Study Resources

Modern Languages

Useful links for home learning

Linguascope – for vocabulary games. See your teacher for the username and password.

Languagesonline – self marking vocabulary and grammar exercises for all levels.

Sign up for the daily News in French newsletter – interesting stories and a song of the day.

For listening practice, try Journal en français facile  for a summary of the the day’s main stories in French along with a transcript.

Nachrichtenleicht has news stories in simplified German.

Work through some SQA Past Papers – papers from the past five years, plus audio files and marking schemes are available for free.

Scholar has materials for N5, Higher and Advanced Higher. See your teacher for your username and password.

BBC Languages and BBC Bitesize have helpful materials and interesting videos.

The Languages team at Glasgow City Council have put together a fantastic blog for Languages Revision, with materials for all languages at Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

The Goethe Institut have an online library where you can download more than 23,000 German language eBooks, audio books, movies, materials for German language learners, magazines and newspapers.

Browse the languages section on Quizlet to find free revision materials.

100 of the most common words in German and 100 most commonly used French words – learning all of these will be very helpful!

Duolingo is a free app that is great for building vocabulary.

If you have netflix, spotify or amazon prime, use them to find music, TV programs and films in the language you’re learning, or see if you can change the subtitles into the foreign language when watching shows in English. For songs,  look for the lyrics online and try singing along!