Ms Rodger | Friday Lunchtime | N15 |
Delighted to announce that on Friday 13th December 2019, Shawlands Academy became the first school in Glasgow to Achieve LGBT Gold Charter Status!
LGBT Alliance
The LGBT+ alliance is a safe space that LGBT+ pupils can enjoy socialising and taking part in various activities. The LGBT+ alliance is not only for LGBT+ pupils – any pupil can attend and take part in the activities that are happening. Everyone is welcome on a Friday during lunchtime in N15!

Support and advice
The majority of staff in Shawlands Academy have received training from LGBT Youth Scotland and are able to support LGBT+ young people if required. If you are are looking for support or advice outwith school, there are a number of services available which can be found here:
- https://www.lgbtyouth.org.uk/groups-and-support/
- https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/
- https://www.stonewall.org.uk/
- https://www.scottishtrans.org/support/support-groups-in-scotland/
LGBT Silver Charter award
Prior to achieving Gold, Shawlands Academy held the Silver LGBT charter status which was awarded by LGBT Youth Scotland in November 2017. This award recognised the hard work of pupils and staff who have worked together to ensure that Shawlands Academy is a safe and inclusive place for LGBT+ pupils as well as everyone else.
LGBT History Month 2019
In February we commemorated LGBT history month with a series of events which culminated in ‘Purple Friday.’Â Staff and pupils enjoyed a bake sale and took the opportunity to sign flags to show their support for LGBT+ inclusion within Shawlands Academy.
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2019
In November 2019, we commemorated Transgender Day of Remembrance. During the week beginning the 18th of November, Depute Head Teachers delivered an i-movie to their respective year groups from S1-6 which informed pupils about the prejudice and discrimination that trans people experience and the impact of this. Pupils from our LGBT+ Alliance interviewed a member of the trans community and included this in the i-movie as well as including excerpts from other members of the trans community who spoke about why commemorating this event was important. The i-movie was shared on our Twitter page on Wednesday 20th of November which was Transgender Day of Remembrance.  We encouraged our followers to share the video and use it in their schools/workplaces. The video can be found here
Pupils from our LBGT+ Alliance created badges to show support to the trans community. The badges were given out at the end of each assembly and were very well received. Following our first assembly for S1, another batch had to be made as every badge made was taken by our S1 pupils.
The week ended with a sale of trans and rainbow coloured laces. Our LGBT+ Alliance reached out to sports clubs that are affiliated with the school and asked that they wear the laces in support of our campaign.