Tag Archives: S4

Skills Development Scotland – S4 pupils

We hope you and your family are well and keeping safe during this time.  Although we are not working from school or our office during this time we are working from home, so we are available if you have any questions.  Unfortunately, we were unable to meet with some pupils or follow up with others as we had planned to do this after the Easter holidays but due to circumstances this has not been possible.  We were hoping to give you a call to offer our support with your plans for S5 and beyond and thought we would ask you to contact one of us by email with your mobile or house telephone number and a day and time that suits you best for us to call you.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep Well, Keep Safe and Keep Positive



Senior School Prelim Timetable

Prelims for S4-S6 pupils will begin on Tuesday 13 December with Hospitality. The remainder of the Prelims will take place from Thursday 12 January until Friday 27 January (see below for full details).

Prelim Timetable

Senior pupils should take a moment to note the time that their exam starts as well as the venue.
They should arrive at least 20 minutes before each exam to ensure that they are there is plenty of time.
Pupils will be given a seat number where they should sit for each exam.

REMEMBER mobile phones MUST NOT be brought into the examination room.

UK Beaver Computational Thinking Challenge 2015

Well done to all our S2 BECS pupils and S3 to S6 Computing Science pupils who took part in the Beaver Challenge last week!

The Beaver Challenge is a competition aimed at raising awareness of Computer Science in a fun and rewarding wayBeaver Challenge. The competition involves solving problems using computational thinking skills.

Computational thinking involves using a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs and apps. Examples of these techniques would include the ability to break down complex tasks into simpler components, algorithm design, pattern recognition, pattern generalisation and abstraction.

This year over 50,000 students in the UK and Europe took part in the competition – results should be available in approximately 10 days.