A group of S5 pupils have organised a non-uniform day on Friday 13th to raise money for the Downs Syndrome charity ‘Downs & Proud’. A donation please if you are not in uniform.
Remember no football tops or anything offensive
A group of S5 pupils have organised a non-uniform day on Friday 13th to raise money for the Downs Syndrome charity ‘Downs & Proud’. A donation please if you are not in uniform.
Remember no football tops or anything offensive
All pupils in the school will be participating in a non-uniform day on Friday 31st October and we would ask that pupils donate £1 to the Brick by Brick appeal.
S6 pupils are organising a Halloween Party for S1 pupils on the afternoon of Friday 31st October 2014.
We are confident that S1 will enthusiastically enter into the spirit of the party in the afternoon and dress suitably for the occasion. (Changing facilities will be made available to the pupils.)