Tag Archives: Breast Cancer Research

Charity Donations

Lourdes Secondary School prides itself on the charitable work and fundraising it does for some very worthwhile causes.  Recently we donated to Downs and Proud, Breast Cancer Research and the Brick by Brick appeal.  Huge congratulations to all involved with this.


Hint of Pink

Today Lourdes Secondary School turned pink in support of breast cancer research. Pupils were invited to wear something pink and volunteers from the Higher Leadership class teamed up with members of staff to raise awareness.

Amongst the festivities, there was a Teacher’s Blind Date, nail bar, bake sale and pink lemonade stall! 

Overall, the day was a huge success and a great time was had by all.  Thanks to the tremendous effort and hard work of staff and pupils, a total of £1,137.11 was raised.

For photographs from the day click here