S5/S6 Christmas Leavers – Planet Hair and Beauty – Hillington – Hairdressing Junior Position

Planet Hair and Beauty in Hillington is looking to recruit a Hairdressing Junior to begin full-time work in January. The successful candidate would work towards an SVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing while working full time in the salon. Please see Mr Urquhart in Pastoral Care for more information.

Mr Urquhart

S5/S6 Christmas Leavers – Modern Apprenticeship in Childcare

Any pupil in S5/S6 pupil interested in a career in Childcare who intends to leave at Christmas should contact his/her Pastoral Care teacher to find out more information about apprenticeships being offered by Private Nurseries. You must be aged 16-19yrs old and have achieved 3 Standard Grades at bands 1-3(one of which must be English) or equivalent grades at Intermediate level. You would be undertaking a Modern Apprenticeship in Childcare and work towards an SVQ Level 3 in Children’s Care, Learning and Development.

There is more information displayed on the notice board outside the Head Teacher’s office.

Mr Urquhart

S5 Mentoring Programme

S5 pupils undertaking 3+ Highers who signed up to the Mentoring Programme should check the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s for information regarding their Mentor. Pupils should approach their Mentors before the end of the week to arrange the first Mentoring session. Pupils are reminded that they must give sufficient notice to their Mentor if they are unable to attend a pre-arranged meeting.

Mr Urquhart

Art Exhibitions- S5/6

For all S5/6 pupils studying either higher Art or Photography or those in S5/6 who have an interest in art-

Mr Sheridan will be taking a group to exhibitions after school every second week. This is a great way for you to see parts of the city and places you may never have seen before and enjoy the cultural side of one of the most important cities for contemporary art in Europe.

Thank you

Mr Sheridan

Hint of Pink

Today Lourdes Secondary School turned pink in support of breast cancer research. Pupils were invited to wear something pink and volunteers from the Higher Leadership class teamed up with members of staff to raise awareness.

Amongst the festivities, there was a Teacher’s Blind Date, nail bar, bake sale and pink lemonade stall! 

Overall, the day was a huge success and a great time was had by all.  Thanks to the tremendous effort and hard work of staff and pupils, a total of £1,137.11 was raised.

For photographs from the day click here