Summer Newsletter now available

Its that time of year when we celebrate the success, talents and activities going on in and around the school and its community. Please make sure you read the latest newsletter published by the school as there are important dates and information for next term.

All newsletters can be accessed under the heading PARENTS > NEWSLETTERS or should you wish to access the latest newsletter, click the link to the right of this post or click here.

Green Flag Hat Trick

An informal celebration took place in the school on Monday 16th June to mark the award of a third Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland !
Lourdes Secondary is one of only three high schools in Glasgow to have Green Flag status but is the only Catholic secondary in Glasgow to have a triple award.
In addition to the Litter topic, the two new areas of attention for this award were Biodiversity and Food and the Environment. Several of our Eco Committee members from last year’s sixth year came back to school… they played a huge part in this success, with some having been Eco pupils since S1 and can be very proud knowing that their efforts and enthusiasm brought about two of the flags!
Mr Raeburn and Mrs Gallagher were the staff members of the Eco Committee present along with some fourth year pupils. They were joined by Mr McGuigan, Mrs Downie, Mrs Devine, Ms Cairney, Mr Kerr along with Mrs Running, Mrs O’Sullivan and Mrs Osborne from the PTA

XL Tea Party

Tea PArtyThe S3 XL class organised and hosted a tea party on 9th June. The class invited residents from our local elderly care homes to come along for an afternoon of tea, coffee, home-baking and live entertainment.

Our guests enjoyed the refreshments provided, much of which was created by pupils in our Home Economics Department, and were enthralled by the array of music and drama provided by our Performing Arts Department. Many of our visitors won prizes in the raffle and everyone then joined in the sing-along led by Mrs MacVicar and Mrs Carpy.

Our guests thoroughly enjoyed their visit and many commented on how impressed they were by the conduct of all the pupils involved.

Well done!!