Cricket Club

The Equalities group is starting a cricket club every Wed lunchtime in the gyms. The club will be run by a specialist cricket coach and all pupils of all abilities are welcome.

For the Attention of S2 Parents/Carers

The Elective form for S2 pupils is now open and should be accessed via the link that was sent yesterday to your phone (Text and email)

I have also attached an Elective booklet with information on all the subjects involved in the elective process.

The link for the choices will remain open until Friday afternoon. You can access the link using your child’s glow details.

Please remember to enter 7 choices and press the submit button when the choice is complete.

Kind regards

Lawrence Kerr


S2 Elective Booklet

S5 and S6 Prelim Timetable January 2023

S5 and S6 Pupils have been issued with a copy of their Prelim Exam Timetable via Teams. A copy of the timetable can be opened at the link below. The exams will take place from Friday 13 January 2023 until Friday 20 January 2023 (both dates inclusive). Study leave will be granted on these dates only, with normal timetable resuming on Monday 23 January 2023.

Pupils must attend school in full uniform on each of their exam days.


Last Week Arrangements

All pupils will attend a end of term service at Our Lady of Lourdes parish church, as detailed:

  • S1 – Monday 19th Dec at 2.30pm
  • S2-6 – Wednesday 21st Dec at 2.30pm

Pupils will be escorted by their teachers to mass and will be dismissed directly from church. All parents/carers are welcome and encouraged to attend.


School will close at 2.30pm on Thursday 22nd December and will reopen on Wednesday 4th January.


We wish you a happy and holy Christmas.


Kind regards,

Julie Delaney