Category Archives: Wider Achievement

Young Enterprise Success!

Tonight our Young Enterprise teams were triumphant once again at the Glasgow Area Board Finals.

Momentum – who created a toothpaste dispensing toothbrush for children took the award for Most Innovative Product. Congratulations to Megan Green, Katiera Donnely, Paula Davies and Megan Drenan for an outstanding presentation.

Organeco – with their echo friendly and organic skin care range scooped the award for Best Company Report.

The big news of the night was that Organeco also took away a new prize from the Deutsche Bank – Best Overall Company. The team will now represent Glasgow at the Deutsche Bank young entrepreneurs finals in London on the 18th April. As managing director, Taylor Elliott presented on behalf of her company and was the only person to do a solo presentation. The judges thought her presentation and leadership was outstanding. Taylor and her team mates Kerry McCusker and Heather Lynch are now busy working on their presentation for London where they will complete against 4 other teams from across the UK.

I’m sure you will join me in wishing them every success in London.

A HUGE thank you to Ms L Jamieson link teacher for Organeco and Ms J Lowe link teacher for Momentum for your unrelenting support of our teams. Top job!

BBC Schools News Report

Please make sure you have a look at the fantastic articles produced by our reporting team today – click here to access the site or click on the right side of this page.  Some excellent entries from Scotlands Independence, Scottish Hydros development, Bullying and Weather to name a few. 

Pupils turned one of the rooms in the school into a reporting room for this National event.  Some budding journalists, camera crew and editors in the making – Well done to all involved.

Burns Celebration

Many thanks to English, Art and Music Departments who provided such beautiful evocations of the work of Robert Burns.

Our pupils art work, singing, piping, recitation and all round creativity was quite outstanding; the front foyer has never looked so resplendent. 

Congratulations to all involved.

S1/S2 Cross Country Team

The school will be entering a first and second year team for the Glasgow Schools Cross Country Championships in February.

Teams will be entered for 1st and 2nd year boys and girls.

Any pupil wishing to be considered for the team should come to the PE Department on Mon 21st Jan at 3pm with kit and ready to run a time trial over the school cross country course.

Finance Apprenticeship Programme 2013

‘In recognition that times are changing, Morgan Stanley now appreciates that not all school leavers will have the means or the interest in pursuing a university degree.  For those who are both ambitious and academically strong we would like to offer an alternative – an opportunity to study towards a professional qualification while gaining both practical industry experience and earning a salary.

Due to the success of the Programme which was introduced in 2011, in September 2013 we will be looking to start further school leavers on the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualification through our Finance Apprenticeship.

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Senior Pupil Retreats

The second week in December saw two retreat days for our senior pupils here in Lourdes Secondary: S6 – Monday 10 December and S5 – Friday 14 December. School chaplain, Fr. John Carol planned and delivered two days of fun and reflection on the theme “You’ve Got Mail!” Pupils were given the opportunity to work together and reflect on the challenges of being a young adult in Scotland today and compare this to the challenges of living as a member of a faith community both in Lourdes Secondary and in their own neighbourhoods. One of the highlights of the retreats was the opportunity for pupils to write short notes of encouragement and support to one another which were used as part of short prayer service. As always, the pupils were creative and entertaining in their presentations and managed to re-enact the parables of Jesus with a modern, 21st century twist encouraging one another to be the “Good News” of God’s love today. Well done to all those who participated and shared in both retreat days and a huge thank you to Fr. John for all his work for both days and for all his support and help throughout the year.