Category Archives: SQA Results

A message from the Head Teacher – 11 August 2020

First day arrangements

S1 Pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S1 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day. S3 guides will escort the pupils to class.
  • S1 pupils will be given access to the canteen and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break and lunchtimes


S2 pupils:             Thursday 13th August

  • S2 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day
  • S2 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break time but, with permission from their parents, may wish to leave the school at lunchtimes.
  • S2 pupils will be given access to the café Lourdes and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes


S3 pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S3 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S3 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S3 pupils will be given access to the Tarfside at break and  lunchtimes


S4 Pupils              Thursday 13th August

  • S4 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S4 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S4 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


S5/6 Pupils          Friday 14th August

  • S5/6 pupils should assemble in the front playground at the beginning of the day (Kirriemuir Drive)
  • S5/6 pupils may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S5/6 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


Movement in and around the school

We intend to operate a one-way system in the school and this will be fully explained to the children on their first day.


School Meals

Payment Method

Glasgow City Council is driven to reduce the exposure to cash handling in our establishments and during the academic session 2020/21, we will be introducing an online payment system in our schools for all purchases including trips, concert tickets, uniforms and school meals. However, as Glasgow has a substantial number of establishments, this will take some time to implement across the city.

In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:

  • Children in receipt of free school meals will receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.
  • Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes will be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is fully implemented.
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.
  • S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime should consider greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes. Period 6 will start at 1.45pm.


SQA Estimates

Given the First Ministers announcement earlier should you wish access to your estimate grade for session 2019-20, please contact the relevant Principal Teacher via email (details below).  Please DO NOT come into the school for this information, this will ensure yourself, returning pupils and staff are kept safe given the current situation.

Mr Peck,

Mr McLellan,

Mr McNaught,

Social Subjects,
Miss Irvine,

Modern Languages,
Ms Wilkes,

Mrs Delaney,

Mr Fagan,

Mrs Twaddle,

Mrs McMullan,

Performing Arts,
Mrs MacVicar,

Religious Education,
Mrs Killin,

We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.

Exam Results – Open Day

School will be open on Wednesday 8 Aug at 10am for S5 pupils and 12 noon for S6 pupils wishing to review options post SQA results day.

Remember you can still register to have your results sent via text.

If you don’t want to wait for the post, sign up to MySQA by 5pm on 17 July, and activate your account by 5pm on 18 July, and you’ll be able to get your results sent by e-mail or text from 8am on results day.

To receive your results by text and/or e-mail you’ll need your Scottish Candidate Number (SCN) and an e-mail address.

Register for MySQA

September Newsletter

Sept NewsletterNow available to view is the Schools September Newsletter.  To access this please click on the link to the right-hand side of this page.

If you wish to see old newsletters, these can be found under Parents, Newsletters at the top of this page.

Senior School Prelims


Senior School Prelims start on Friday 23 January until Friday 6 February 2015.

As part of the preparation for the external examination, all S4/S5/S6 pupils will experience a Prelim Exam in each of their National Qualifications for National 5/Higher/Advanced Higher courses and the timetable for this can be found at the right hand side of this page or by clicking here. Last Updated 20/01/15

Following the S4 Parents’ Information Evening, the majority of parents opted for a flexible model of Study Leave which is designed to include the following:

* All pupils should attend school each day unless they have an examination. Pupils will be given permission to be absent from school for the full day of any examination.
* On the days that pupils attend school they will follow their normal timetable and will have supervised study for their forthcoming Prelim Exams. Pupils are responsible for bringing relevant revision materials to school as required.
* S4/S5/S6 pupils who do not have any Prelim Exams to prepare for will be given consolidation material during class time.
* All learning and teaching will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.
* All homework tasks will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

Should you wish any further information regarding S4/S5/S6 Prelim Examinations, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Devine at the school, 0141 582 0180.

S5 Mentoring Programme

S5 pupils undertaking 3+ Highers who signed up to the Mentoring Programme should check the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s for information regarding their Mentor. Pupils should approach their Mentors before the end of the week to arrange the first Mentoring session. Pupils are reminded that they must give sufficient notice to their Mentor if they are unable to attend a pre-arranged meeting.

Mr Urquhart

SQA Results

We are absolutely delighted with the performance of our pupils in the recent SQA exams. Yet again our pupils have attained first class results with over 30% of our S4 pupils attaining at least 5 credit awards.

Senior students were equally successful with 11% gaining 5 Highers in S5 and 45% of our S5 pupils gaining at least 1 Higher.

Congratulations to all our pupils and staff on their hard work.

Herald Article 21 August 2012
Evening Times Article 21 August 2012
Herald Article 19 December 2012