Category Archives: sport

Commonwealth Week

It is Commonwealth Week this week and many lessons in school will have a Commonwealth Games link to them.

On Friday 13th June, there will be some Commonwealth activities on at lunch time in the P.E gyms for anyone who would like to come down and have a go.

We will have badminton, table tennis and high jump. Depending on the weather, we may have a version of lawn bowls on the front pitch.

Watch this space for photos from the weeks events.

Activities Day 2013

Today Lourdes Secondary pupils took part in a wonderful range of activities in and out of the school. 

Street Photography, visit to Edinburgh Zoo, Rock Climbing, Basketball, DJ Workshop, Bowling & Cinema are only a few of the activities which took place. 

Click here to see some photos of additional opportunities which took place in the school.

A great day for all pupils and staff.

S1/S2 Cross Country Team

The school will be entering a first and second year team for the Glasgow Schools Cross Country Championships in February.

Teams will be entered for 1st and 2nd year boys and girls.

Any pupil wishing to be considered for the team should come to the PE Department on Mon 21st Jan at 3pm with kit and ready to run a time trial over the school cross country course.

Basketball Coaching Award

Would S4/S5/S6 Tutors please mention to pupils interested in gaining a basketball coaching award that a course will be running in Lourdes Secondary on Tuesday February 12 2013 (holiday weekend) from 10am till 4pm.

This course would be particularly useful to our current sports leadership group and those who have previously gained the leadership award.

Any pupil interested should give their names to Mr Walsh immediately as places are limited and are being allocated on first come first served basis.

Mr Walsh