Category Archives: School Trips

Senior Pupil Retreats

The second week in December saw two retreat days for our senior pupils here in Lourdes Secondary: S6 – Monday 10 December and S5 – Friday 14 December. School chaplain, Fr. John Carol planned and delivered two days of fun and reflection on the theme “You’ve Got Mail!” Pupils were given the opportunity to work together and reflect on the challenges of being a young adult in Scotland today and compare this to the challenges of living as a member of a faith community both in Lourdes Secondary and in their own neighbourhoods. One of the highlights of the retreats was the opportunity for pupils to write short notes of encouragement and support to one another which were used as part of short prayer service. As always, the pupils were creative and entertaining in their presentations and managed to re-enact the parables of Jesus with a modern, 21st century twist encouraging one another to be the “Good News” of God’s love today. Well done to all those who participated and shared in both retreat days and a huge thank you to Fr. John for all his work for both days and for all his support and help throughout the year.

Celebrating Wider Achievement – Edinburgh Book Festival

Some of our S2 pupils had the opportunity to interview author Matt Dickinson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August. They did really well. So well in fact the Matt Dickincon has offered to come to our school on Tuesday 5th November to give two explosive workshops to more of our young people. A creative wrinting workshop to help some of our older pupils with their imaginative wrinting skills and another talk to our first year pupils about his experiences climbing Mount Everest and his “Mortal Chaos” series.

Listen to the interview here.

Art Exhibitions- S5/6

For all S5/6 pupils studying either higher Art or Photography or those in S5/6 who have an interest in art-

Mr Sheridan will be taking a group to exhibitions after school every second week. This is a great way for you to see parts of the city and places you may never have seen before and enjoy the cultural side of one of the most important cities for contemporary art in Europe.

Thank you

Mr Sheridan

S2-S6 Theatre Trip: “Glasgow Girls – The Musical”

“Seven teenagers with a cause.  A protest that captured the imagination of a country.”

The English Department is organising a trip to see the National Theatre of Scotland’s brand new musical “Glasgow Girls” at the Citizen’s Theatre on Thursday the 15th of November.

If you are interested in going along to see this performance please see Ms Grehan for more details.

Art/Photography Exhibitions- S5/6

For all S5/6 pupils studying either higher Art or Photography or those in S5/6 who have an interest in art-

Mr Sheridan will be taking a group to exhibitions after school every second week. This is a great way for you to see parts of the city and places you may never have seen before and enjoy the cultural side of one of the most important cities for contemporary art in Europe.

If you are interested in coming along, come to room 301 at 12:35 on Monday 8/10/12 for an initial meeting and info about the first show

Thank you

Mr Sheridan

Performing Arts Trip to London

A number of places are available for the Performing Arts annual trip to London. The trip will take place from the 17th-19th June 2013. The trip involves going to top West End shows, including Wicked, west end workshops with top performers, sightseeing, shopping and we are hoping to secure tickets to the Harry Potter studio tour. If there are any pupils in S3-S6 who would be interested in participating in the exciting opportunity, they should see Mrs Gray in Drama as soon as possible. Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Pupils do not necessarily need to currently be studying Music or Drama.


Mrs Gray