Category Archives: School Trips

Lockerbie Manor Update


All S2 and S3 parents/ carers

A reminder that the rescheduled information evening for the outdoor residential to Lockerbie Manor in February  will be held in the school on Wednesday 19th August @ 6.15pm. All S2/S3 parents/ carers are invited to attend.

There are still spaces available for s2/s3 pupils to be part of this excellent experience, pupils should speak to Mrs Cullen for more details.

Residential booking to Lockerbie Manor

A provisional booking has been made to take S1 and S2 pupils to Lockerbie Manor on a multi-activity residential trip from Monday 22nd Feb 2016 – Friday 26th Feb 2016.

The week will comprise of a full programme of on-site activities such as climbing wall and abseil tower, obstacle course and zip wire. We would like to invite you to an information evening where Graeme Henry, School Journey Advisor of Manor Adventure, will be delivering detailed information of the experience your child can achieve at Lockerbie Manor.

We would be delighted if you could join us to find out more about this excellent opportunity for your child, where you can ask any questions you have regarding this experience. The information evening will take place on Monday 27th April at 630pm in Lourdes Secondary.

All S1 and S2 pupils will be issued with a letter with these details and a return slip to be completed and returned by Friday 1st May if interested in taking part in the residential.

Summer Newsletter now available

Its that time of year when we celebrate the success, talents and activities going on in and around the school and its community. Please make sure you read the latest newsletter published by the school as there are important dates and information for next term.

All newsletters can be accessed under the heading PARENTS > NEWSLETTERS or should you wish to access the latest newsletter, click the link to the right of this post or click here.

Activities Day 2013

Today Lourdes Secondary pupils took part in a wonderful range of activities in and out of the school. 

Street Photography, visit to Edinburgh Zoo, Rock Climbing, Basketball, DJ Workshop, Bowling & Cinema are only a few of the activities which took place. 

Click here to see some photos of additional opportunities which took place in the school.

A great day for all pupils and staff.

Activities Day Information S1-3

Can pupils now make contact with the Activity Leader for their allocated activity. Activities taking place out of school will have additional paperwork to complete (permission form). All Activity Leaders were detailed in the information booklet distributed prior to the May holiday.

5 a side footballers: You DO NOT have to contact a staff member as the Sports Leaders will be taking charge of this activity. You should organise your teams for the competition. All 5 a side teams should report to the PE Dept on Monday 24th June after registration.

If you are not on a list and would like to be please contact Mrs Cullen in Home Economics. Any changes to Activities must be completed via Mrs Cullen and the specific Activity Leader.