Category Archives: Raising Attainment

Senior Awards Ceremony for S5/6


Senior School Awards Ceremony for S5/6
Come and celebrate success with our senior pupils on Thursday 10th December in the school Concert Hall at 7pm! The event is ticketed and we will notify parents and pupils of ticket allocations later this week.

Christmas Craft Makers Sale of Work!

Pupils from the ALN Provision will be selling handmade crafts including calendars, Christmas cards, decorations and guess the sweets in the jar! During interval and lunchtime in the SS hall on Wednesday 2nd December.  Profits to charity the Teapot Trust, a charity that provides Art therapy for chronically ill children.

September Newsletter

Sept NewsletterNow available to view is the Schools September Newsletter.  To access this please click on the link to the right-hand side of this page.

If you wish to see old newsletters, these can be found under Parents, Newsletters at the top of this page.

Awards Ceremonies

The Award Ceremonies are taking place this week to celebrate the successes of our S1 to S3 pupils.

Please come along to help us celebrate their success.

celebrate  Monday 15 June 2015 – S1 Awards

Tuesday 16 June 2015 – S2 Awards

Wednesday 17 June 2015 – S3 Awards

All Awards Ceremonies start at 7pm and refreshments will be served afterwards.

SQA Exams – Study Leave

examExams begin in our school on Tuesday 28th April 2015
Arrangements for pupils are below:

  • From Monday 27th April until Friday 29th May, pupils with no or only one formal SQA exam, will have a programme of in-school activities that they must attend. This is to prepare them for their next step. (Details of activities to follow)
  • Pupils with 2 or more formal SQA exams will have Study Leave from Monday 27th April until Friday 29th May 2015. Pupils can study at home throughout this time if they wish.
  • Pupils can, if they prefer, attend school for all or some of every day during this period.
    Class teachers will be available until the day of each exam and pupils can go to subject classes as required for help and support until each exam takes place.
  • We will also provide supervised study throughout this time every period, every day for pupils who are in school to study.

Normal classes will resume for all (except pupils sitting Higher PE) on Monday 1st June 2015.

BBC Schools Report

Today the school have been taking part in Nationwide Reporting for the BBC. This has become an annual trend for Lourdes Secondary School. Have a look at our BBC Schools page which contain articles writen and filmed soley by pupils or follow us on twitter @LourdesSec

Prelims Start Tomorrow

Reminder that Senior School Prelims start tomorrow within the school. Could all candidates please ensure that they are fully aware on when their exams start and where they are taking place.

If you are unsure of this please click here to find the most up-to-date timetable.


Please remember the following:

*  All pupils should attend school each day unless they have an examination. Pupils will be given permission to be absent from school for the full day of any examination.

*  On the days that pupils attend school they will follow their normal timetable and will have supervised study for their forthcoming Prelim Exams. Pupils are responsible for bringing relevant revision materials to school as required.

*  S4/S5/S6 pupils who do not have any Prelim Exams to prepare for will be given consolidation material during class time.

*  All learning and teaching will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

*  All homework tasks will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.