Category Archives: Parents

Home Learning Programme – 26 May 2020

Today marks the start of our new timetable for 2020-21 and Home Learning Programme for all pupils.  Pupils should ensure that they log into Teams with their glow username and access class assignments.  This is where all weekly tasks will now be posted.

Come visit our YouTube channel for a video demonstrating how to access Teams

Please contact Pastoral Care should you require password resets.

S2 – Mrs Cairns

S3 – Mrs Cassidy

S4 – Mr Blaney 

S5 – Mrs Hughes

S6 – Miss Fitzpatrick

A message from the Head Teacher – 21 May 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that all of your family are healthy and I hope that your child is able to engage in some home learning. We continue to work behind the scenes to provide the best learning that we can in the current circumstances. We are also working to involve current Primary 7 pupils who will join us next session in some virtual preparation next week.

Please remember that tomorrow and Monday are school holidays so please give your child these days off from learning.

As detailed previously, all of S4 and S5 who are returning next session should join our home learning activities from Tuesday 26th May. If you or your child requires assistance with this please contact me at and I will arrange for support.

God bless and keep safe

Mr McGuigan

Front Line Workers – 26 May 2020

If you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Tuesday 26 May 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm and will take place in Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School (Our School Hub). Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Front Line Form – wk com 26 May 2020

Home Learning Programme – 18 May 2020

Please find attached the schools links for Home Learning for the week commencing Monday 18 May.

Home Learning Programme – 18 May 2020

Pupils must access to their glow account first for all links. Here are some useful Parent/Pupil Video Tutorials:

Accessing Glow
Adding Apps in Glow
Accessing OneDrive
Accessing SharePoint
Accessing Teams

A message from the Head Teacher – 15 May 2020

Dear Parent/Carer/Pupil,

For our pupils, I am certainly missing all of you and I hope that you are safe and well and are able to work on schoolwork from home.

For parents and carers, I hope that you and your loved ones continue to be safe and well at this very difficult time. Please contact me if you have any concerns I can help with.

As we look ahead I still have no concrete information regarding a return to our school premises. We are, however, working behind the scenes to implement our new timetable remotely. Tuesday 26th May will be the date for this to begin. We anticipate that new Teams will be created over the next two weeks to allow some home teaching to take place for our new year groups. At this point current S3,S4 and S5 will begin to study subjects chosen for next year. I attach below messages from year group heads with information relevant to their year.

From Mr Kerr:

S1 into S2

I hope you and your families continue to be in good health and good spirits. As we continue our distancing learning, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our S1 pupils for their positive engagement with school work across all departments. Tackling school work at home can be challenging at times and we are fully aware that the platforms used for accessing school work are not always working to the pupils’ or teachers’ favour and that there may be several people in each household coping with the demands of working from home.

Well done to our S1 pupils for persevering and for their hard work so far. And, of course, thank you for your patience and continued support.

From Tuesday 26th May, we intend to change our timetable and from this date S1 will follow their new S2 timetable.  S1 and S2 study the same subjects under the 8 curricular areas and the only major change can, in some cases, be their teacher. At this stage, the pupils will not require a new timetable. The pupils should continue to access their work through teams and in the interest of consistency and ease of access, each department should now be uploading work to Teams.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or support in accessing on line learning.

S2 into S3

I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last 2 years. It has been a privilege to be the DHT working with your children. It’s been great to see your children grow and develop into confident and successful young people.  I have loved their enthusiasm for life and learning and I am really looking forward to hearing about their achievements as they progress through the school.

From Tuesday 26th May, we intend to change our timetable and from this date S2 will follow their new S3 timetable. In S3, the pupils will continue to study Maths, English, French, Social subjects, RE, PE and Personal Support. However, the timetable in S3 will also consist of their 5 subject choices.

At this stage, the pupils will not require a new timetable. The pupils should continue to access their work through teams and in the interest of consistency and ease of access, each department should now be uploading work to Teams. The pupils will be added/deleted from Teams to reflect their subject choice.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or support in accessing on line learning.

From Mr Carroll:

S3 pupils will be moving into S4 on Tuesday 26th May.  All pupils will be following the subjects they originally chose unless by now they have been otherwise informed.  Pupils will have access to instructions and materials for each of these subjects from Tuesday 26th May through Microsoft Teams on their Glow accounts; with all pupils being added to teams for each of their subjects.

S4 pupils will be moving into S5 on Tuesday 26th May.  All pupils will be following the subjects they originally chose unless by now they have been otherwise informed.  Pupils will have access to instructions and materials for each of these subjects from Tuesday 26th May through Microsoft Teams on their Glow accounts; with all pupils being added to teams for each of their subjects. Subject choices and respective levels may change as a consequence of SQA results but between now and then we are unable to make any changes.

From Miss Cairney:

The importance of providing continuous evidence of learning throughout the school year has been underscored this year by the circumstances we find ourselves in. I cannot stress too highly therefore, the importance for pupils in both the new S5 and S6 to engage fully with their online learning from the change of the timetable on 26 May.

At this stage, the pupils will not require a hard copy of their S5 or S6 timetable. The pupils will be added/deleted from Teams to reflect their subject choices and levels which they made earlier this year.

As S4 move into S5 I look forward to working with them as they move into this next important phase of their education. Mrs Hughes will continue to be the Pastoral Care teacher for the year group. Pupils should access their learning materials from Microsoft Teams on their Glow accounts, with Teams being created for each of their subjects and levels.

All S6 pupils will have a minimum of 4 or 5 National Qualifications subjects on their timetable, with the exception of those pupils who are studying for 3 Advanced Highers, where additional attendance at classes at university is often required.  Sixth Year pupils will be following the subjects they chose during the options period. All S6 pupils are also encouraged to engage in some voluntary activities in the course of S6 – this will be discussed with S6 once they return to school.


Other information:

  • We continue to work on Estimate Grades for SQA to ensure that S4/5/6 pupils are rewarded appropriately for their work this session.
  • Our Learning Hub and Food Hub continue – please use the App to book places at the Learning Hub and contact myself or Pastoral Care if you have any other questions.
  • We are making contact with P7 pupils who will be joining us next session to support their transition.
  • Father David has offered a Virtual Leavers’ Mass for all who will not return to our school next session but with a special emphasis on our current S6 and we are working with him to take this forward. I will keep you informed of developments.
  • All school trips, of course, are cancelled and we are working very hard to claim refunds for parents. The member of staff leading each trip will contact parents/carers directly when we have more information from the travel companies. As you can imagine this is challenging but is a priority for us at present


On behalf of all who work in our school, we are missing your children and hope to see them, and you, when it is safe to do so.

God Bless and keep safe


Mr McGuigan

Front Line Workers – 18 May 2020

If you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 18 May 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm and will take place in Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School (Our School Hub). Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Front Line Form – wk com 18 May 2020

A message from the Head Teacher – 5 May 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope and pray that you continue to be safe and healthy at this very difficult time. Please contact me if you have any health or other concerns that you think our school community can help with.  Contact can be made at:

I cannot, at this stage, offer any indication of when we will be able to welcome our pupils back to school but we continue to issue work to S1-3 pupils and will start to issue work for S4-6 pupils from Monday 25th May. I appreciate that home learning causes many problems for many people and if we can assist with this please contact me. We are working very hard to further develop our approach to this to make access easier for pupils and will update you as soon as possible.

I hope that your child is able to engage in some home learning but please remember that from our calendar, Friday 8th May is a holiday and Monday 11th of May is an in-service day so pupils can have two days of rest from school work. This should not, however, prevent them from helping you with a variety of household tasks.

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that Archbishop Tartaglia will offer Mass for all Catholic School Communities on Sunday 10th May at 12pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral.   School communities are invited to join the Archbishop live using the video link below.

Best Wishes

Mr McGuigan

Home Learning – Week Commencing 27 April 2020

Please find attached the schools links for Home Learning for the week commencing Monday 27 April.

Home Learning Programme – 27 April 2020

Pupils must access to their glow account first, for all links. Please contact Pastoral Care should you require password resets.

S1 – Mrs Cairns

S2 – Mrs Cassidy

S3 – Mr Blaney

Support for Front Line Workers

Parents and Carers – if you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 20 April 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  This will be sent out every Thursday via the app.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm each day. Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Pupils should wear their school uniform at all times.

We hope you are all safe and well.

Front Line Form – wk com 20 April 2020

A message from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer and Pupil,

These are very difficult times for all of us and I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy.

School has been closed this week and we are about to begin our Easter break – this will be very different to any other break. School will continue to be closed for the next two weeks. At the moment, school will still be closed after the holidays but I will issue an invitation on Thursday 16th April on our school App to parents who are front line workers to have  their children in school during the week commencing Monday 20th April.

I hope that S1 to S3 pupils are able to access online learning but that they will take the next two weeks as a holiday.

For parents of pupils in S4, S5 and S6, the absence of SQA exams continues to cause uncertainty and anxiety. Staff are working from home to prepare estimate grades that will be sent to SQA for all courses and pupils. I do not think it appropriate for staff to discuss these grades with pupils or parents/carers as SQA have indicated that these estimates will go through a rigorous verification process and that grades may be changed before certification. I will issue any further updates on this process as appropriate on our school App.

I hope to see you all soon.
Happy Easter and God Bless

Mr McGuigan