Category Archives: Parents

Awards Ceremony for Fifth and Sixth Year Pupils

On Monday 4 September 2017 we were delighted to hold our Awards Ceremony for Fifth and Sixth Year pupils. At this, we celebrated the attainment and achievements of our senior pupils, based on their efforts during session 2016-17. Our Concert Hall was filled to capacity with proud parents and relatives. We are delighted to share some images from the evening with you.

Be the change: Unite for a better internet

This year Lourdes Secondary School are again highlighting Internet Safety to pupils, parents and carers through a number of avenues in the month of February – class challenges, twitter feed, and school website.  This is in conjunction with the worldwide Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7 February.

As a parent/carer you will know how important the internet is to children and young people. They use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves in all types of creative ways. This may be through sharing photos and videos, blogging, gaming, or even developing their own apps. It is a place of amazing opportunities.

The technology children use in their daily lives can seem daunting. You might worry about the risks they can face online, such as bullying, contact from strangers, as well as the possibility of access to inappropriate or illegal content. To help them stay safe, it’s important that you understand how your child uses the internet and having that conversation with them.

We have a number of helpful sheets which can aid and support you keeping your child safe.  These can be found all year round on this website under Parents > Internet Safety

Click here to see how much you know about Internet Safety.