Category Archives: Pupils

Let’s Grow 2012!

Once again, Lourdes Secondary is collecting Let’s Grow gardening vouchers from Morrison’s Supermarkets. These have been used to buy a wide range of gardening equipment along with some packs of flower and vegetable seeds.

We plan to use the Quadrangle to plant more and are looking for staff, pupils, family and friends to collect and hand in as many vouchers as possible.

Please hand in any vouchers to Mr Raeburn or Miss Jamieson before the 28th of October.

Thank you from the Eco Committee

S1 Retreats

 Proposed dates for S1 Retreats




RE Section 

RE Teacher 

18 September 2012 


M. MacAulay / S. Kane 

2 October 2012 


M. Durkan 

9 October 2012 


T. Peoples 

23 October 2012 


M. MacAulay / S. Kane 

30 October 2012 


M. Durkan 

6 November 2012 


T. Peoples 

13 November 2012 


M. MacAulay / S. Kane 

20 November 2012 


M. Durkan 

All retreats will take place periods 6 and 7 on Tuesday in the Oratory.

Your School Magazine needs YOU!

If  you are interested in getting involved in the production of the School Magazine (which is yet to be named) then please come along to Room G14 for a meeting at lunchtime today. The Magazine club will meet every Wednesday lunchtime from now on. Pupils from every year group are welcome!


Look forward to seeing you all later,

Ms Grehan

Performing Arts Trip to London

A number of places are available for the Performing Arts annual trip to London. The trip will take place from the 17th-19th June 2013. The trip involves going to top West End shows, including Wicked, west end workshops with top performers, sightseeing, shopping and we are hoping to secure tickets to the Harry Potter studio tour. If there are any pupils in S3-S6 who would be interested in participating in the exciting opportunity, they should see Mrs Gray in Drama as soon as possible. Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Pupils do not necessarily need to currently be studying Music or Drama.


Mrs Gray


 S1 pupils were involved in a Learning Conference on Friday 7 September. The Conference was titled, ‘Stepping in, Stepping Up’.

The focus of the conference was the 4 capacities and provided the pupils with a perfect forum to reflect on their transition experience and on their first few weeks of S1 in Lourdes Secondary…. Continue reading