Category Archives: Pupils

School Parking

Please could we remind parents to be respectful of the residents around the school when parking in the morning and in the evening.  Be aware of the impact of parking on the pavements when small children are coming to and from the school.

Thank you for your co-operation.

All Saints Day – Friday 1 November

Friday 1st November is All Saints Day. As a holy day of obligation we will be celebrating Mass during the course of the school day at Our Lady of Lourdes RC church.

Year groups will attend as detailed below:

  • S2 and senior pupils (S4/5/6) will go directly to the church on Friday morning where Mass will begin at 8:50am.
  • S1 and S3 pupils will be taken to the church by their period 4 class teachers with Mass beginning for them at 12:15pm. Pupils will then be dismissed for lunch from the church.

Please feel welcome to join us at either of these Masses.