Category Archives: information

Parental Questionnaire from the BECS Faculty

Could all Parents/Carers with children in Business Education and Computing Science (BECS) please take five/ten minutes to complete our online questionnaire. This will close on Sunday 19 November at 10pm.

If your child is in S1-3 please click here.

If your child is in S4-S6 and studies Computing Science please click here .

If your child is in S4-S6 and studies Business Education (Admin & IT or Business Management) please click here.


Our Pupil Leadership Team 2017/2018



Head Girl: Emily Harley

Head Boy: Ciaran Byrne

Deputes: John Carlyle, Emma Donnelly, Carly Horne, Erin Maguire, Rachel McBride

Be the change: Unite for a better internet

This year Lourdes Secondary School are again highlighting Internet Safety to pupils, parents and carers through a number of avenues in the month of February – class challenges, twitter feed, and school website.  This is in conjunction with the worldwide Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7 February.

As a parent/carer you will know how important the internet is to children and young people. They use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves in all types of creative ways. This may be through sharing photos and videos, blogging, gaming, or even developing their own apps. It is a place of amazing opportunities.

The technology children use in their daily lives can seem daunting. You might worry about the risks they can face online, such as bullying, contact from strangers, as well as the possibility of access to inappropriate or illegal content. To help them stay safe, it’s important that you understand how your child uses the internet and having that conversation with them.

We have a number of helpful sheets which can aid and support you keeping your child safe.  These can be found all year round on this website under Parents > Internet Safety

Click here to see how much you know about Internet Safety.

Senior School Prelim Timetable

Prelims for S4-S6 pupils will begin on Tuesday 13 December with Hospitality. The remainder of the Prelims will take place from Thursday 12 January until Friday 27 January (see below for full details).

Prelim Timetable

Senior pupils should take a moment to note the time that their exam starts as well as the venue.
They should arrive at least 20 minutes before each exam to ensure that they are there is plenty of time.
Pupils will be given a seat number where they should sit for each exam.

REMEMBER mobile phones MUST NOT be brought into the examination room.

Senior School Supported Study 2016/17

Supported Study for our S4, S5 & S6 pupils is now in full swing.

Details of what is currently available can be accessed through the link below – this page will be updated as more Supported Study sessions are announces.

Please encourage all Senior pupils to take full advantage of this revision resource.

Supported Study Timetable 2016/17