Category Archives: information


Dear Parent/Carer

It is with deep regret that I inform you that two pupils from our school community have sadly passed away. Neither tragic death was related to Covid-19. I ask you to keep both pupils and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

If any pupil requires support at this very difficult time please contact your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher.

S2 – Mr Kerr

S3 – Mrs Cassidy

S4 – Mr Blaney

S5 – Mrs Hughes

S6 – Miss Fitzpatrick

Former S6s – Mr Downes

Mr McGuigan

Front Line Workers – 8 June 2020

If you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 8 June 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm and will now take place in Lourdes Secondary School. Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Front Line Form – wk com 8 June 2020

Virtual Leavers Mass – Wednesday 3 June

We take this opportunity to remind you that Fr David, our school chaplain, will offer mass for all pupils from Lourdes Secondary who will be leaving school at the end of this term, especially for those pupils in Sixth Year, tomorrow,  Wednesday 3rd June at 3pm. All pupils, parents and staff are warmly invited to join Fr David live at either of the links below:

or from the homepage of Lourdes Parish Church: 

Please note that you need not be a Facebook member to watch.

To access the Mass Booklet please click here.

Thank you.

Front Line Workers – 1 June 2020

If you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 1 June 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm and will take place in Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School (Our School Hub). Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Front Line Form – wk com 1 June 2020

Home Learning Programme – 26 May 2020

Today marks the start of our new timetable for 2020-21 and Home Learning Programme for all pupils.  Pupils should ensure that they log into Teams with their glow username and access class assignments.  This is where all weekly tasks will now be posted.

Come visit our YouTube channel for a video demonstrating how to access Teams

Please contact Pastoral Care should you require password resets.

S2 – Mrs Cairns

S3 – Mrs Cassidy

S4 – Mr Blaney 

S5 – Mrs Hughes

S6 – Miss Fitzpatrick

A message from the Head Teacher – 21 May 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that all of your family are healthy and I hope that your child is able to engage in some home learning. We continue to work behind the scenes to provide the best learning that we can in the current circumstances. We are also working to involve current Primary 7 pupils who will join us next session in some virtual preparation next week.

Please remember that tomorrow and Monday are school holidays so please give your child these days off from learning.

As detailed previously, all of S4 and S5 who are returning next session should join our home learning activities from Tuesday 26th May. If you or your child requires assistance with this please contact me at and I will arrange for support.

God bless and keep safe

Mr McGuigan

Front Line Workers – 26 May 2020

If you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Tuesday 26 May 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm and will take place in Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School (Our School Hub). Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Front Line Form – wk com 26 May 2020

Home Learning Programme – 18 May 2020

Please find attached the schools links for Home Learning for the week commencing Monday 18 May.

Home Learning Programme – 18 May 2020

Pupils must access to their glow account first for all links. Here are some useful Parent/Pupil Video Tutorials:

Accessing Glow
Adding Apps in Glow
Accessing OneDrive
Accessing SharePoint
Accessing Teams