Category Archives: information

Careers Appointments

The Careers Adviser, Mrs Dunlop will be in school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Careers appointments will now be displayed on the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s office and on the notice board outside the Careers Library. Pupils should check these notice boards on Mondays for appointments. Please note Mrs Dunlop may have arranged an appointment for you even if you have not requested one so it is essential you consult these notice boards regularly.

Mr Urquhart

Residential Study Weekend

On Friday 18th January, over forty S5 students took part in a residential Study Weekend at Rowardennan Youth Hostel. The weekend was designed to support our 3+Higher candidates in preparing for their Prelim Exams.

Students benefitted from a wide range of small group tutorials over the course of the weekend. Subject specialists delivered sessions in the following areas- English, Maths, French, Geography, History, Modern Studies, Music, Drama, Physics, Biology and Health and Food Technology. Pupils also had the opportunity to participate in Study Skills workshops. Our students enjoyed a quality programme of intensive study in each of these areas.

Despite a very busy timetable, a good time was had by all. Our students were an absolute credit to themselves, their families and the school. Feedback from staff and pupils has been extremely positive and S5 are already asking when the next Study Weekend is. Planning has now begun for next year.  For more photos click here.

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day

As you know the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes is 11 February. This year 11 February falls on the Monday of the February holiday and we are therefore celebrating the Feast Day on Friday 8 February.

I am delighted to tell you that our Feast Day Mass this year will be said by Archibishop Tartaglia.

Archbishop Tartaglia has kindly agreed to visit us on that day and share this special occasion.

S1/S2 Cross Country Team

The school will be entering a first and second year team for the Glasgow Schools Cross Country Championships in February.

Teams will be entered for 1st and 2nd year boys and girls.

Any pupil wishing to be considered for the team should come to the PE Department on Mon 21st Jan at 3pm with kit and ready to run a time trial over the school cross country course.

Finance Apprenticeship Programme 2013

‘In recognition that times are changing, Morgan Stanley now appreciates that not all school leavers will have the means or the interest in pursuing a university degree.  For those who are both ambitious and academically strong we would like to offer an alternative – an opportunity to study towards a professional qualification while gaining both practical industry experience and earning a salary.

Due to the success of the Programme which was introduced in 2011, in September 2013 we will be looking to start further school leavers on the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualification through our Finance Apprenticeship.

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