Category Archives: information

Summer Newsletter now available

Its that time of year when we celebrate the success, talents and activities going on in and around the school and its community. Please make sure you read the latest newsletter published by the school as there are important dates and information for next term.

All newsletters can be accessed under the heading PARENTS > NEWSLETTERS or should you wish to access the latest newsletter, click the link to the right of this post or click here.

Green Flag Hat Trick

An informal celebration took place in the school on Monday 16th June to mark the award of a third Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland !
Lourdes Secondary is one of only three high schools in Glasgow to have Green Flag status but is the only Catholic secondary in Glasgow to have a triple award.
In addition to the Litter topic, the two new areas of attention for this award were Biodiversity and Food and the Environment. Several of our Eco Committee members from last year’s sixth year came back to school… they played a huge part in this success, with some having been Eco pupils since S1 and can be very proud knowing that their efforts and enthusiasm brought about two of the flags!
Mr Raeburn and Mrs Gallagher were the staff members of the Eco Committee present along with some fourth year pupils. They were joined by Mr McGuigan, Mrs Downie, Mrs Devine, Ms Cairney, Mr Kerr along with Mrs Running, Mrs O’Sullivan and Mrs Osborne from the PTA

Commonwealth Week

It is Commonwealth Week this week and many lessons in school will have a Commonwealth Games link to them.

On Friday 13th June, there will be some Commonwealth activities on at lunch time in the P.E gyms for anyone who would like to come down and have a go.

We will have badminton, table tennis and high jump. Depending on the weather, we may have a version of lawn bowls on the front pitch.

Watch this space for photos from the weeks events.


The BBC Scotland 2015 Apprenticeship scheme is a fantastic opportunity to kick-start your career in the media industry and is now OPEN for applications!

From September 2014, 10 people will have the chance to work with BBC professionals on Radio, TV and Online content across a range of departments such as Sport, Children’s, Learning and News.

Your on-the-job experience along with BBC training and study at Glasgow Kelvin College will all add up to the skills and knowledge you need to achieve a Creative & Digital Media Apprenticeship at Level 3.
There are no formal qualifications but you must have good basic maths, English and IT skills, as well as a keen interest in the media.

For further info on this opportunity and advice on the application process please see
Mrs Ross.
You can also access the application at the following web address: