Category Archives: Higher Education

A message from the Head Teacher – 11 August 2020

First day arrangements

S1 Pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S1 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day. S3 guides will escort the pupils to class.
  • S1 pupils will be given access to the canteen and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break and lunchtimes


S2 pupils:             Thursday 13th August

  • S2 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day
  • S2 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break time but, with permission from their parents, may wish to leave the school at lunchtimes.
  • S2 pupils will be given access to the café Lourdes and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes


S3 pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S3 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S3 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S3 pupils will be given access to the Tarfside at break and  lunchtimes


S4 Pupils              Thursday 13th August

  • S4 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S4 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S4 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


S5/6 Pupils          Friday 14th August

  • S5/6 pupils should assemble in the front playground at the beginning of the day (Kirriemuir Drive)
  • S5/6 pupils may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S5/6 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


Movement in and around the school

We intend to operate a one-way system in the school and this will be fully explained to the children on their first day.


School Meals

Payment Method

Glasgow City Council is driven to reduce the exposure to cash handling in our establishments and during the academic session 2020/21, we will be introducing an online payment system in our schools for all purchases including trips, concert tickets, uniforms and school meals. However, as Glasgow has a substantial number of establishments, this will take some time to implement across the city.

In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:

  • Children in receipt of free school meals will receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.
  • Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes will be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is fully implemented.
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.
  • S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime should consider greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes. Period 6 will start at 1.45pm.


SQA Estimates

Given the First Ministers announcement earlier should you wish access to your estimate grade for session 2019-20, please contact the relevant Principal Teacher via email (details below).  Please DO NOT come into the school for this information, this will ensure yourself, returning pupils and staff are kept safe given the current situation.

Mr Peck,

Mr McLellan,

Mr McNaught,

Social Subjects,
Miss Irvine,

Modern Languages,
Ms Wilkes,

Mrs Delaney,

Mr Fagan,

Mrs Twaddle,

Mrs McMullan,

Performing Arts,
Mrs MacVicar,

Religious Education,
Mrs Killin,

We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.

Skills Development Scotland – S4 pupils

We hope you and your family are well and keeping safe during this time.  Although we are not working from school or our office during this time we are working from home, so we are available if you have any questions.  Unfortunately, we were unable to meet with some pupils or follow up with others as we had planned to do this after the Easter holidays but due to circumstances this has not been possible.  We were hoping to give you a call to offer our support with your plans for S5 and beyond and thought we would ask you to contact one of us by email with your mobile or house telephone number and a day and time that suits you best for us to call you.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep Well, Keep Safe and Keep Positive

For the attention of Summer Leavers 2020

If you are intending to leave school in Summer 2020, and you haven’t already done so, could you please make sure that you contact either Miss Blain or Ann or Gerry from SDS to let us know what you have applied for or the courses that you have accepted. If you still need help to make applications please let us know and we can support you.
Miss Blain-
Ann Dunlop-
Gerry Carroll-
For those who have had offers confirmed from college or university please look carefully at the information below.

As a new Higher Education student we understand that you may feel you are missing out  on information sessions which can be frustrating, you may also be apprehensive about your first day at your chosen College or University  but be assured that teams from all our Higher Education partners have been working and preparing  responses to any questions you may have,  some also have a frequently asked questions section on their websites. These FAQs will be updated on a regular basis  and provide a good general source of information

 The following links will be useful and keep you informed and updated:

To make a firm choice through UCAS and accept an offer

In order to confirm your selected course after an offer has been made please visit:


Glasgow Caledonian University

If you have applied to Glasgow Caledonian University please use the Universities web page which will help with any questions you may have


University of Glasgow

There are several resources you can access for more information on the University of Glasgow.

For a student-led virtual tour of the campus please see the link below:

You can also access UniBuddy which is a platform which allows perspective students to speak to current students from a wide range of different subjects, as well as staff members:

This is a great platform for engaging with current students in an informal way but also for speaking to staff. Your Parents/guardians can also use it should they have any questions.

If you have our Summer School as part of your offer from UofG, the programme will be running online this year. You will receive more information about this in due course but if you have any queries please email:

For the most up-to-date information make sure to follow the University and the Widening Participation team on our Twitter and Instagram accounts: @ uofglasgow and @UofGWP. These accounts are updated on a regular basis and include information on our programmes, as well as information on scholarships and provide a great insight into life at UofG!

If you took part in any of our pre-entry programmes (e.g. Top-Up, Reach, Access to a Career, etc.) remember you can email our staff at any point with any questions.


University of Stirling

The University of Stirling’s has a wide range of resources and support available for our applicants.

All of the resources in our Virtual Undergraduate Applicant Day are still available to view online, applicants can also get in contact with any of the academic and student services teams through this site.

Our website is also full of helpful information on all aspects of student life at Stirling, and there is a dedicated webpage of next steps in the application process

There is a range of additional support available for widening access students. The team are happy to offer support via email or over the phone, this can be arranged by emailing More information on our widening participation activity can be found on our website


 University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is organising a series of virtual Applicant events that will take place later in April, the University will contact all offer holders to provide further details about what will be on offer and when. The events will enable offer holders to experience a virtual campus tour, and access further information on student life at Strathclyde, including academic programme information, accommodation and life in Glasgow. There will also be an opportunity to chat to academic and support staff and student ambassadors.

For further information and guidance for our offer holders on the current situation please visit



University of the West of Scotland (UWS)

UWS has decided to postpone the Offer Holder Sessions that had been planned over the next few weeks, but will contact students when they  are in a position to re-arrange the events. In the meantime, they  have launched a dedicated area on the  website for offer holders which provides the opportunity to experience a  campus experiences, alongside more information on student life at UWS and financial advice.  Should you have any specific questions UWS have asked that you please contact UWS at or on 0800 027 1000.

The offer holder campus pages are at:






Clyde College

Conditional Offers

Curriculum Support Administrators (CSA) and Admissions staff will be sending out new updated conditional offers based on information we already have from Senior Lecturers.

Entry Criteria  

Admissions have been communicating with Senior Lecturers requesting updates on any applications which require entry requirements to be met.  Applicants may have a phone interviews or be given a direct offers if this is required.

Keep Warm messages

We will be sending out messages to applicants at different stages of the application process – with general info to keep them connected with the college and contact details should they have any questions.

Internal Progression

Internal conditional offers will be given for any courses/students where this has not already taken place.

However, If you are aware that there is a particular situation where you know a learner is feeling anxious about their application and doesn’t know where to turn or what to do – please let me know and we can ensure that any anxieties are dealt with.



City of Glasgow College

Information for New Students.

As a new student, this is sure to be an exciting time for you! This Student Induction and Guidance Section will take you through everything you need to know and provide you with some useful information, to help make your start as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Student Funding | City of Glasgow College

Funding Explained. If you’re a Scottish student at a further education college in Scotland, you usually don’t pay fees. In addition, you can also receive help with the cost of studying, including living and travel costs, course materials and childcare.


For FOCUS West, you can still log on to  FOCUS Point web resource,

FOCUS point is being added to  daily,


Scottish Government

The Scottish Government have set up a new Student Information website which links to all colleges which may be helpful:


Student Awards Agency Scotland SASS –

This web site gives loads on information on what funding is available to you if you are going to University or to a college to study and HNC or HND – first of all you have to register

  1. Create an account using SAAS Account Registration.
  2. Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email with a link to activate your account. The link will take you to a page confirming that your account is active with a link to the login page. 
  3. You’ll get the option to apply for funding.

As well as applying for your funding, you can:

  • check how your application is doing
  • view your award notice
  • review or update the details we hold for you by using the services within your online account

You will need to complete an online application by the required deadline with the Student Awards Agency Scotland ( SAAS ). You can make your funding application from April 2020 onwards. We advise you to make your application early and by 30 June 2020 to ensure that your funding is in place for the start of the session

Please get in touch should you require further help or support.

A message from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer and Pupil,

These are very difficult times for all of us and I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy.

School has been closed this week and we are about to begin our Easter break – this will be very different to any other break. School will continue to be closed for the next two weeks. At the moment, school will still be closed after the holidays but I will issue an invitation on Thursday 16th April on our school App to parents who are front line workers to have  their children in school during the week commencing Monday 20th April.

I hope that S1 to S3 pupils are able to access online learning but that they will take the next two weeks as a holiday.

For parents of pupils in S4, S5 and S6, the absence of SQA exams continues to cause uncertainty and anxiety. Staff are working from home to prepare estimate grades that will be sent to SQA for all courses and pupils. I do not think it appropriate for staff to discuss these grades with pupils or parents/carers as SQA have indicated that these estimates will go through a rigorous verification process and that grades may be changed before certification. I will issue any further updates on this process as appropriate on our school App.

I hope to see you all soon.
Happy Easter and God Bless

Mr McGuigan

For S3-S6 Pupils – Inspire and Headstart Residential

Super opportunities for S3- S6 pupils considering higher education and/or a career pathway in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM) based subject matter

 The Engineering Development Trust (EDT) has two programmes of STEM based residential* university taster courses Inspire and Headstart across the UK this summer 2020.


Inspire and Headstart are 3 and 4/5 day courses’ (respectively) hands-on series of STEM based activities and lectures for young people aged 15 to 17 (year S4 & S5)** to further their understanding of degree/degree apprenticeship and future career opportunities.

These on-campus university-based experiences are an enabler for like-minded students to engage with lecturers and undergraduates on a challenging course specific agenda whilst utilising their problem determination, analytical, creative and life skills.

Benefits include:

  • Practical sessions to reinforce theory-based lectures
  • Variety of course offerings and themes to suit all individuals
  • Access to university lecturers and undergraduates for advice and guidance on degree/degree apprenticeship and potential career pathways
  • Bronze (Inspire) and Silver (Headstart) industry-led accreditation from Industrial Cadets (Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales)
  • Meet role models
  • On-campus halls of residence experience

Course fee, bursaries & other support: The course costs £245 (3 day residential), £150* (3 day non-residential) for Inspire and £399 (4/5 day residential) for Headstart. Limited bursary places are available on BOTH programmes subject to qualification criteria.

For more information/questions contact of 01707-871505

Apply online:

*There are 1 or 2 non-residential courses
**Inspire will consider mature/gifted S3 students who are 15 years old

S4 Parental Information Evening

Please find attached the slides that were displayed by Mr Carroll (DHT) at the recent S4 Information Evening.  Should you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hughes in Pastoral Care or Mr Carroll, DHT on 0141 582 0180.

Please click here to access the files.

S3 Parents Evening & Careers Fayre Tuesday 4 December

Our S3 Parents Evening will take place on Tuesday 4 December from 5 to 7pm.

We have also organised a Careera Fayre to run simultaneously on this night.

The Careers Fayre will have information and stalls on careers, further education courses and next steps from a wide range of establishments and organisations. Continue reading