Category Archives: extra-curricular

S2 Creative Cakes Club

Due to rising demand Mrs Cullen is launching a new venture in the H Ec department in Lourdes, The Creative Cake Club.

If any S2 pupil is interested in taking part in the new venture in H Ec please attend an information meeting at lunchtime on Wed 30th Oct 1pm in rm 220 (Mrs Cullens room)

Types of activities requested

Sugar paste modelling

Cake design

Cupcake making

Male Vocal Group

The B sharps (Lourdes’ male vocal group) started on Wednesday 18th September at lunchtime in Mr Weaver’s Room (126). The 20 members (so far) have decided the group name and are in the process of choosing the songs that the group will sing (within reason!) Boys from every year group are welcome to join us. Passes will be available from the music base on Tuesday or Wednesday at interval.

Mr Weaver

Lourdes Games Club

The Lourdes Computer Games Club is starting again at lunchtime Monday 9 September. If you are interesting in joining us to play a wide selection of new and retro games on a variety of consoles, please come along to a short meeting in Mrs Connelly’s room 231 at 1pm on Monday 2 September to find out more. Places are limited, so don’t be late. S6 Leadership Group

Justice and Peace Group

The Justice and Peace Group will meet on Mondays at 12.55pm in Room 137, starting 2nd September.

A Justice and Peace group encourages study and reflection and promotes action in 5 broad areas. These are International Peace, Social Justice, Concern for the Environment, World Development and Human Rights.

New S5/6 members are welcome and if you are considering joining the group but cannot manage to the first meeting, please give your name to Mr Durkan or Mr Raeburn.

Activities Day 2013

Today Lourdes Secondary pupils took part in a wonderful range of activities in and out of the school. 

Street Photography, visit to Edinburgh Zoo, Rock Climbing, Basketball, DJ Workshop, Bowling & Cinema are only a few of the activities which took place. 

Click here to see some photos of additional opportunities which took place in the school.

A great day for all pupils and staff.

Activities Day Information S1-3

Can pupils now make contact with the Activity Leader for their allocated activity. Activities taking place out of school will have additional paperwork to complete (permission form). All Activity Leaders were detailed in the information booklet distributed prior to the May holiday.

5 a side footballers: You DO NOT have to contact a staff member as the Sports Leaders will be taking charge of this activity. You should organise your teams for the competition. All 5 a side teams should report to the PE Dept on Monday 24th June after registration.

If you are not on a list and would like to be please contact Mrs Cullen in Home Economics. Any changes to Activities must be completed via Mrs Cullen and the specific Activity Leader.

Young Enterprise Success!

Tonight our Young Enterprise teams were triumphant once again at the Glasgow Area Board Finals.

Momentum – who created a toothpaste dispensing toothbrush for children took the award for Most Innovative Product. Congratulations to Megan Green, Katiera Donnely, Paula Davies and Megan Drenan for an outstanding presentation.

Organeco – with their echo friendly and organic skin care range scooped the award for Best Company Report.

The big news of the night was that Organeco also took away a new prize from the Deutsche Bank – Best Overall Company. The team will now represent Glasgow at the Deutsche Bank young entrepreneurs finals in London on the 18th April. As managing director, Taylor Elliott presented on behalf of her company and was the only person to do a solo presentation. The judges thought her presentation and leadership was outstanding. Taylor and her team mates Kerry McCusker and Heather Lynch are now busy working on their presentation for London where they will complete against 4 other teams from across the UK.

I’m sure you will join me in wishing them every success in London.

A HUGE thank you to Ms L Jamieson link teacher for Organeco and Ms J Lowe link teacher for Momentum for your unrelenting support of our teams. Top job!


Raising Aspirations and Widening Access to Higher Education –


The Nuffield Science Bursary Scheme

The Nuffield Foundation Science Bursaries for Schools(also known as The Nuffield Research Placements) is an excellent opportunity aimed at pupils currently in their 5th year at school studying for their Highers. The scheme gives pupils an opportunity to carry out research or development projects in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Maths disciplines. Projects last 4-6 weeks during the summer vacation and pupils receive a bursary of £80 per week + travel expenses. Placements are available across the UK, in universities, commercial companies, voluntary organisations and research institutions. This is a fantastic opportunity for pupils to gain invaluable work experience within an organisation and network and build up useful contacts. It will also develop pupils’ confidence and improve key skills such as communication, research and report writing.Any S5 pupil who is interested in pursuing a career in any of these disciplines and would like to apply, should contact Mr Urquhart as soon as possible.

Mr Urquhart