Author Archives: Miss Duggan

Exam Stress Resource for Parents/Carers

Want to know more about how to support your child’s wellbeing? Check out the links below:

Supporting your child through their examinations

How do I help my child deal with exam stress? – Support for Parents from Action For Children
The amount of sleep your child gets makes a difference to their mental health and ability to learn. If your child isn’t sleeping well, see if there are any changes they could make to their bedtime routine to help them relax.

Supporting your child’s mental and emotional health

Parent Talk is a free service to all parents/ carers, providing resources and advice for children and young people across practical and emotional support. They also provide a 1:1 online chat service for advice/tips and counselling!

Cardonald Dog and Cat Home Collection

As part of Advent at Lourdes, we will be collecting for Cardonald Dog and Cat Home.

As I am sure you are aware, there is always a large number of dogs and cats on the facility looking for their forever home. We have done many collections for them in the past and the staff and furry animals have always been very appreciative at the generosity Lourdes has shown.

We are looking to collect dog and cat food, clean blankets, towels, bowls, toys, leads etc. Please note, they cannot accept duvets or pillows as they may be harmful to the animals if swallowed.

If you want to donate any items, please bring to the PE Dept or the Nurture room. We will be looking to drop these items off just before we finish up for Christmas, so plenty of time to get a winter clear out or round the shops to treat some poor wee homeless animals.


Thanks in advance.

Miss McSween