Author Archives: Mrs Connelly

Summer Newsletter

summerThe schools’ Summer Newsletter was distributed to pupils this afternoon.

If you did not receive your copy make sure you have a look here.

Please take time to read the latest newsletter as it contains important dates and information for next term.

All previous Newsletters can be found under the Parents tab at the top of this page, then Newsletters.

School re-opens on Thursday 13 August at 8.50am when the the new structure of the school day will be in place (details in the newsletter).

Scottish Medical Training Careers Fair for school pupils – SECC, Glasgow, 12 September 2015

The 2nd Scottish Medical Training Careers Fair (SMTCF) will take place this year on 12 September 2015 in the SECC, Glasgow.

This year the event is open to school pupils who have a career intention or an interest in Medicine.

Further details of the event can be found in here.


  • The event is free but bookings need to be made through
  • On the day registration at the SECC in Glasgow is 1.30 pm
  • There will be tailored seminars including ones on ‘Gaining entry to medical school: How do you go about this’ and ‘So you are thinking about becoming a doctor’,
  • All 5 medical schools are participating
  • There will be opportunities to meet with medical students, foundation doctors, trainees and trained doctors in a variety of specialties.

The booking system goes live on 22 June 2015 so if you are interested book early to avoid disappointment as the numbers will be limited.

Awards Ceremonies

The Award Ceremonies are taking place this week to celebrate the successes of our S1 to S3 pupils.

Please come along to help us celebrate their success.

celebrate  Monday 15 June 2015 – S1 Awards

Tuesday 16 June 2015 – S2 Awards

Wednesday 17 June 2015 – S3 Awards

All Awards Ceremonies start at 7pm and refreshments will be served afterwards.

BREAKING NEWS – Dancing in Yer Street

Will Abbie and her girl group “The Chantelle’s” make it to the top? Will she go it alone or stick with her friends? Come along and find out!

Written by our own and very talented Mrs Simpson, the show looks at the journey of Abbie and her friends on their way to future stardom. The show runs from Tuesday 9th June till Thursday 11th June 7.30pm – 9.30 pm in the concert hall. Tickets are on sale now form the Performing Arts department. £5 adult and £2 concession – a bargain!

