
FAOL Science

The Sungazers have been learning about vibrations and sound waves as part of their science sessions. Mr Dreghorn kindly brought in some fantastic musical instruments for us to explore.

The first was a Theremin which we played using our hands to vary the sound waves. Ryan was a natural and everyone enjoyed using this the best.  We also used an Ottomatone, a Stylophone, a Flexitone and a Tambura…. lots of new sounds for us to explore. We all enjoyed making lots of noise!!!

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Ceilidh Time!

After all their hard work, the Transition boys blew off some steam with a brilliant ceilidh on Friday afternoon. The boys were Effective Contributors joining in dances with other classes. A great end to a great day!



50 Things – Boat Trip and Burns Activities

The Stars class had fun creating paper boats and checking whether they would float or not. Thankfully they did! We will take our boating pond outside in the better weather. We enjoyed Burns activities this week making oatcakes and a Robert Burns silhouette picture. The Scottish songs were good too.



Sungazer’s morning group

Monday morning started with our morning group where we write our day, date and month as well as come together to sing and dance in our seasons song. The boys enjoy using props to dress up as each season and can identify the current season which is winter. After morning group Reece sets up our snack shop and invites his friends one by one to select the correct coins to pay for their snacks.




Hospitality Training

The Transition boys were working hard on their hospitality skills this week. The boys were Effective Contributors when setting tables and ironing items. As part of their SQA course the boys have to prove that they can follow instructions, they practiced this by following table settings to check our Burn’s supper layout was correct. The boys also have to carry out tasks that would be included in the hospitality industry. The boys proved they can handle an iron safely before ironing items with the hot iron. Maximum effort by all!


Effective Contributors at Centrestage

The Sungazers have had a great day in school. They were all effective contributors during our Centrestage session.  They each chose a prop from the bag and joined in with all of the songs.  To fit in with our current Scottish theme we changed the words from our usual ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ song to ‘Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes’!

Parachute games are always a favourite and we enjoyed playing the Peapod game as well as bouncing the ball on the parachute.

    Reece chose ‘Tiny Tim’ to sing about.

  Leo hummed the ‘goodbye’ song independently once the session had finished.

Ryan, Jayden, Jamie and Lewis all enjoyed the rhyme about the cheeky monkeys and the naughty crocodile!

Disco time with sensory lights. Parachute games!


Planning for Burns’ Night

It might have been the first day back but the Transition boys were Effective Contributors when they launched straight into planning for the next event, the School’s Burns’ Supper. The boys worked through a presentation which told them what a Burns’ Supper was and what they needed to include in their plans. The boys then selected different planning jobs as part of their SQA work experience.


Happy New Year Sungazers! – A Busy First Day Back

The Sungazers have had a busy first day back after the Christmas break.  We enjoyed our session with Centrestage – using the parachute, singing songs and dancing catching the bubbles.



We have also been busy doing lots of number work and made a number line based on the Chinese New Year ‘Great Race’ story.   We then used our number lines to find out what order the animals finished the race in.   We also made Chinese Dragons using a variety of different shapes during maths time.

*Confident Individuals      *Successful Learners      *Effective Contributors



The Transition boys were Effective Contributors during Lights, Camel Action! All of the boys were excellent and played their parts very well!



Christmas Activities

The Stars class have enjoyed loads of Christmas activities recently and kept a look out for our pesky elf! These are just a few things we photographed. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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