Category Archives: Parents

Parent Drop-In Café with Lesley Wilson

Parent Drop-In Café

As the new Home Link Worker for Grange Education Group, I am keen to organise a Parent Drop-In Café in your child’s school with the proposal of starting after the October holidays. (Week beginning 23rd October).  This will take place once a week either during school hours or after school hours, possibly alternating these times each week. This would hopefully allow most parents to be accommodated within these times.  The drop-in will give you all, an ideal opportunity to get to know one another, have a chat with tea/coffee and biscuits (possibly cake) in a laid back, relaxed atmosphere.  Working together, with the aim of developing and sustaining a support group led and run by parents for parents.

To enable me to gauge numbers, source suitable accommodation and catering facilities, I would be grateful if you could complete the online form below  no later than Friday 13 October 2017

Thank you in advance and look forward to meeting you all.

Lesley Wilson

Home Link Worker

Communication Board Update

This week on our communication board you will see our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Humpty Dumpty and we have the Makaton displayed to go alongside which are King, horse and men. The Nursery Rhyme and Makaton aid your child’s communication and language skills so please try these out at home with your child. Please look out for the yellow disk being attached to the communication board  in the next few days which will be a recording of Humpty Dumpty by an ECC volunteer from either the AM or PM session. It will be a different child each week.

Communication Board Survey

Hello and thank you to the 40 responses we have had regarding the communication survey for the ECC. This feedback is important in order for progression. I would be grateful if anyone who has not yet participated would take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire its completely anonymous. Thank you very much for your support and participation.


Rhyme of the week

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

Wet Weather Boxes

The parent council suggested that each family could bring in an item for their child’s classroom wet weather box.

Items can be brought along at parents night !

  • Board games
  • Magazines
  • Colouring in books / pencils
  • Jigsaws



Parental partnership

At this week’s Parents’ Evening/ Afternoon Tuesday 10th October evening/Wednesday 11th October afternoon, our main focus is our e-portfolios. We have workshops running every half hour in the ICT suite and we would encourage you to attend.

E-Portfolio Workshop

We intend to set  tables in the gym hall with lap tops to encourage parents to  make comments on their child’s e-portfolio and school website.  You will also have the opportunity to taste our school dinners.  Please come and try our delicious food.

Our parent council suggested that families donate items for class wet weather boxes.  Empty boxes will be in the hall for each class.

We are looking for P6 and P7 children to help during our Parents’ night and afternoon.  Could you please complete the form below if you are available to help.


A great big thank you to everyone who supported our visit from the Travelling Book Fair. We sold almost £2,000 worth of books which allows us to spend £1138.15 on books for our library and classrooms.

A special thank you to the parent helpers who helped run the fair this year. Your help is very much appreciated.

Mrs Campbell

E-Portfolio Workshop

As part of our improvement plan for every child to have an e-portfolio, we would like to invite parents to attend this workshop to support your child in their learning.  These 20 minute workshops will run during the school parent evenings and are open to parents in the ECC and school.

For our younger children, parents will be given their child’s username and password at the workshop.  We will show you how to post and comment on a post as this is an important part of our parental partnership.

The ECC will be open for a parent drop in session on Wednesday 11th October between 4-5pm.

Please complete the form below if you are able to attend the workshops.



Nursery Rhyme of the week

twinkle twinkle nursery rhyme


Please click on the above link for our Nursery Rhyme of the week. You will find Makaton to go along with this Rhyme on our communication board within the ECC cloakroom. We are raising knowledge of phonological awareness and would appreciate if you could do this with your child at home emphasising the rhyming words within the rhyme and ensuring the correct word order.

Subscribe by Email

The success of our school blog is very much down to our supportive families.  We would very much encourage you to subscribe to our blog by email.  You will see the link above on the right of our page.