Category Archives: Parents

Dick Whittington

Children will visit the

Palace Theatre

for this years Pantomime.

**Dick Whittington **

Tuesday 12th December – AM performance.

Travelling by coach.

**No home lunches on the day please **

A small snack may be taken on the day, no crisps or tiny sweets that can be easily spilled, no fizzy juice.

Outing has been added to ParentPay.

Thanks !




On Friday Base 3 visited the Science Centre Glasgow as a part of our STEM Fortnight. We had a great day exploring the science mall and we very much enjoyed our viewing of ‘We Are Aliens’ at the planetarium.

Thank you to all the staff and helpers that attended.



★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week for demonstrating good walking feet! 😀

Electric Cars Visit Gargieston

We were so lucky today to receive a visit from Mrs Kennedy (Fraser Kennedy’s mum) who was happy to share with us lots of information from her ‘Scottish Electric Club’. Mrs Kennedy is the owner of a ZOE electric Renault car.

We found out lots of interesting facts about electric cars and learned that when many of our class are aged to drive it may be in an electric car! They are also much  more beneficial for our eco system.

We even had two electric cars in our playground! It was great fun to explore!

Thank you  Mrs Kennedy

Parking issues

Unfortunately we had another phone call from a local resident, this time in Glen Orrin Avenue, complaining that someone had parked across their runway.

We take pride in the  relationships we have with the wider community and these two phone calls have obviously been a concern to us.

We would respectfully ask that consideration would be given when picking up / dropping off your children.

Many thanks.

Communication Board update…..

Our top tip has changed and is about questioning. Children benefit from early opportunities to promote language skills this aids a child’s ability to exchange information with others in a meaningful way. A delay in language can cause some children to show signs of frustration and can fill them with a sense of miscommunication about what he or she is trying to convey.  Please feel free to look at our board for more information about supporting your child’s communication and language development and please take a leaflet from the yellow button envelope which focuses on information regarding speech sounds.

Flying with STEM!

A huge thank you to Mr Wilson (Jack Wilson’s dad) who joined Base 3 yesterday to teach us about the STEM behind flying. His presentation included video footage of the important procedures before flight. It was also very nice to see Jack making an appearance in the clips.

It was very exciting to watch Jack and his dad take off into the sky. What a brilliant hobby to have. Base 3 now has some keen flying enthusiasts.

Thank you again, Mr Wilson!


Nursery Rhyme of the week…..

Please sing this nursery rhyme with your child at home and try out the Makaton. Singing nursery rhymes with your child will help them learn about rhyme and rhythm of language and assist your child to hear syllables within words this also aids your child’s ability to learn to read.

Grange Academy Parent Council

We have received a kind invitation from the Grange Academy Parent Council for any interested parents to go along to their meetings. This may well be of particular interest to our P7 parents, giving them an insight into life at the secondary.

The next meeting will be held in Grange on January 9th at 7pm.

P1 and P2 Nativity

Primary 1 & 2


” Jesus in the Manger “

Monday 18th December

at 6.30pm


Tuesday 19th December

at 10.00am

Tickets now available  via ParentPay