Category Archives: Parents

Parents Group

Liz Baird, community practitioner, is hoping to run a parents group within Gargieston.  The group will focus on behaviour management strategies and she is able to work with parents of children up to 8 years.

Please complete the form below if you are interested in attending.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

twinkle twinkle nursery rhyme           

Please sing our Nursery Rhyme of the week with your child at home. Singing regular nursery rhymes with your child aids their phonological awareness which aids your child’s reading and spelling skills when they go to School.

Please click on the link above for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star words. Please highlight to your child the words within Twinkle, Twinkle that rhyme.

Right of the Month!

Our new right of the month is  ◊Article 7◊   and what a very important one it is!


Image result for we have rights children article 7

“You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the Government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).”

We will be learning a lot this coming month about the importance of Article 7.

Why not share your learning with someone at home?

The RRS school group!

Image result for un rights of the child



Assembly Certificate Winners 26/1/18

Here are this week’s Starwriters and Maths Award winners. The P 1-3 Maths awards went to Aeson Allardyce, Liam Kelly, Emily Hyslop, Andrew Phillips, Katy Tickner and Charlie Scullion. The P4-7 Starwriters were Matthew Bradley, Martha McClean, Callum MacDonald, Nathan Hope, Katie Newlands and Jayden Collins. Well done to all!!

Toy Amnesty

Just a reminder that we would be very grateful for any donations of outdoor toys you have finished with, to supplement our playground equipment. Please look and see if you have anything you have finished with and are willing to donate, which is still in a good condition. Also, before we spend school money to supplement our wet day boxes, we would like to ask if there are any indoor games or toys you have finished with which are in good condition,to supplement our wet day boxes which are in every class. Thank you very much for your help.                                    Mrs. McLaughland

Remember this relates to our Rights Respecting Schools and an important Article of the UNCRC:-

Article 31:-        You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sport, music and drama.

A big thank you from Mrs Cotton…

Mrs Cotton would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated supermarket items. The role play area is now up and running and the children are very eager to explore various roles. We don’t need anymore supermarket items as we have our supermarket fully stocked up with goodies and plenty of items left to replenish as we go. We would still however welcome donations of trollies or baskets only. Thank you very much for all your help and support, it is greatly appreciated.

Miss Clark needs your help….

Miss Clark is hoping to make up story bags and is looking for donations of…..

-Small bears looking for around 10.

-Hungry Caterpillar soft toy and story book.

– Mouse, Owl, Snake and Fox soft toy

-For the 3 bears story I’m looking for 3 bears in big, medium and small size. (No bigger than an A4 piece of paper for the large bear.

I would like to thank everyone for the donations received so far this is very much appreciated. I continue to thank you for your support as these story bags will be used as a home link project to support communication and language development.


Importance of Rhyming….

Please have a look at our communication board as it has some information on rhyming such as top tips pictured above and our Nursery rhyme of the week which is Hickory, Dickory Dock. Please encourage your child to use their imagination to make up rhyming words as this aids your child’s prediction skills. Awareness of Rhyming assists your child’s knowledge of words, syllables, sounds and aids their ability to read and spell at a later stage. Please point out rhyming words within books and songs as this is of great benefit to your child.

ECC Nursery Rhyme of the week

We are focusing on rhyming words still so are carrying this Nursery Rhyme forward for another week. Please have a look on the communication board or the blog for more information regarding the importance of raising your child’s awareness of Rhyming words.

ECC – Burns Supper

Tomorrow the ECC will be having a Burns supper. Children can come wearing anything tartan if they wish. Our snack will be haggis, neeps and tatties. Please note our Haggis is vegetarian.